segregation - Dictionary definition and meaning for word segregationDefinition (noun) (genetics) the separation of paired alleles during meiosis so that members of each pair of alleles appear in different gametes Definition (noun) a social system that provides separate facilities for minority groups S...
2.The policy or practice of separating people of different races, classes, or ethnic groups, as in schools, housing, and public or commercial facilities, especially as a form of discrimination. 3.GeneticsThe separation of paired alleles or homologous chromosomes, especially during meiosis, so that...
theseparationofHOMOLOGOUS CHROMOSOMESduringanaphase1 ofMEIOSIS, toproducegametescontainingonlyonealleleofeachgene.SuchanoccurrenceisthephysicalmechanismunderlyingthefirstlawofMENDELIAN GENETICSandisparticularlyimportantwhenthetwoseparatedallelesaredifferent. anabilityofbacterialREPLICONSto bepartitionedaccuratelyandevenlybetwe...
(genetics) Recombination involving insertion of a genetic element. (mathematics) The act of taking a definite or indefinite integral. (systems engineering) The arrangement of components in a system so that they function together in an efficient and logical way. ...
We consider three independent sex-determining loci and we encode genotypes by triplets i=(i1,i2,i3), where in corresponds to the genotype at locus n. At each locus, the genotypes are unordered, meaning that the heterozygous genotype AB is equivalent to BA. The sexual phenotype determined by...
InMendelian inheritance, the interaction between dominant and recessive alleles produce the organism phenotype, or the collection of observable characteristics. An organism that has two identical alleles is calledhomozygous. Two different alleles, meaning a dominant and a recessive one, produce aheterozygou...
mechanisms M Kozielska1,2, FJ Weissing2, LW Beukeboom1 and I Pen2 1Evolutionary Genetics, University of Groningen, Haren, The Netherlands and 2Theoretical Biology, University of Groningen, Haren, The Netherlands Segregation distorters are alleles that distort normal segre- gation in their own ...