The on-board ST-LINK included in the STM32 Discovery and Nucleo board kits may be upgraded free of charge with a specific version of the J-Link firmware available on the Segger website Key Features: All popular debuggers and IDEs are supported Cross platform support (Windows, Linux, MacOS...
J-Link can be used with GDB-based setups. The GNU Debugger (GBD) is the de facto debugger for development on Linux systems. However, it has now found its way into embedded development (even without Linux running on the target system). GDB provides a standardized interface / API that can...
我们需要先用飞思卡尔自己的(Codewarrior或者KDS)或者第三方编译器(IAR,Keil等)将码好的项目工程编译好,J-Link Debugger支持加载这些编译器生成的带调试信息文件(比如Codewarrior或者KDS的.elf文件,IAR的.out文件和Keil的.axf文件)或者通用的
The on-board ST-LINK included in the STM32 Discovery and Nucleo board kits may be upgraded free of charge with a specific version of the J-Link firmware available on theSegger website. Key Features: All popular debuggers and IDEs are supported ...
8.12.00J-Link PRO The universal debug probe. Hi-Speed USB 2.0 and Ethernet driven debug probe Up to 4.0 MB/s download speed PRO Software Package includes: J-Flash/J-Flash SPI J-Link Unlimited Flash Breakpoints Ozone - The J-Link Debugger ...
(1)先到Segger官网下载最新的J-Link Debugger软件包(上文已给出链接),安装完毕后打开该软件,每次打开软件都会弹出新建项目向导如下,我们首先需要选择好要调试的目标芯片MK22FN512xxx12(FRDM-K22板载芯片型号),然后第二个选择比较有意思即“Peripherals”,这是可选配的,选这个文件的意义在于我们在调试的时候可以在线...
follow your guide, I have success launch j-link debugger. thanks. but I'm running in Window10, "arm-none-eabi-gdb-7.10" should be "arm-none-eabi-gdb-7.10.exe". another thing, the blue debug icon on my MCUXpresso IDE is gray, I can not click it, I have to start debug on Q...
All of the industry leading J-Link features have been tightly integrated into SEGGER Embedded Studio. The debugger includes various debugging windows, which make it possible to inspect and manipulate advanced information concerning the running application and its execution, including mixed-mode disassembly... 部件号:CC1350 主题中讨论的其他部件:SEGGER, 我正在尝试使用SEGGER J-Link仿真器在CC1350 LP上刷新代码。
选择“Options”打开工程设置页面。选中Debugger,双击Target Connection选项,在弹窗中切换为J-Link,点击...