Invest Sefton is the enterprise, business support and inward investment service of Sefton Council, it leads on and supports economic growth in the borough.
InvestSefton are working in partnership with Active Workforce (Sefton Council’s Health and Wellbeing Team) to provide Sefton businesses and their employee’s with access to a range of FREE health and wellbeing support. The below flyer details some events running between... More Calling constructi...
as the Sefton Coast Landscape Partnership Scheme launches its "Sandscape" project.The Sefton Coast Landscape Partnership Scheme is made up of organisations which work tirelessly to manage and protect the coastline - Sefton Council, Natural England, the National Trust, RSPB and Lancashire Wildlife Trus...
Director Public Lighting and Sports Lighting, Signify UKI.“The lighting upgrade reinforces how lighting can contribute to the council’s agenda and the environment. We are proud to support Sefton Council in its journey to net zero and at the same time, create an improved experience for local...
For the past three years the council has raised the council tax by inflation busting amounts. Last year householders faced a 9% rise, in 2001 taxes rose by 4.2% and in 2000 it was 8%. The latest decision is only slightly above the inflation rate of 2.8% This year … Read...