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As the gradually (semi-) institutionalised global South continues to rise and the economic centre of gravity shifts away from the industrial North to the developing South, the legitimacy of the Bretton Woods system and many other global governance arrangements has been seriously challenged (Keukelei...
The Committee is satisfied with the Government's explanation and arrangements, and is convinced that theymaydispeltaxidrivers' worries. legco.gov.hk legco.gov.hk 委員會滿意政府的解釋及安排, 並相信此等解釋和安排,可消除的士司機的疑慮。 legco.gov.hk ...
prudential.co.uk [...] to free mailing arrangements for candidates including allowing a list of candidates/candidate to print in the same leaflet materials relating to the candidature of the lists of candidates or candidates from different GCs or FCs and send the letter free of postage, requir...
Some children become separated in the UK after informal foster arrangements or a family break down. In all cases, separated children are, by definition, children who have been deprived of their family environment. Separated children can include the following groups: • Children who have been ...
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(ii) interest rate swap agreements, interest rate cap agreements or similar arrangements used by a Person to fix or cap a floating rate of interest to a negotiated maximum rate or amount, or other similar facilities including currency swaps, (c) all obligations of such Person evidenced by ...