Tools & Strategies for Embedding School-based OT & PT Tools & Strategies for Embedding School OT & PT Therapy for 4 Childhood Health Conditions Tools & Strategies for 4 Childhood Health Conditions Experts Series: Assessing & Addressing Handwriting The CO-OP Approach©...
PATH := $(HOME)/go/bin:$(PATH) PYTHON ?= $(shell command -v python3 || command -v python) PYTESTOPTS ?= .PHONY: default default: install # Tools Installation check_pip_install = $(PYTHON) -m pip show $(1) &>/dev/null || (cd && $(PYTHON) -m pip install $(1) --upgrade...
Choosing a Stander for the Home and the Classroom- En Español Translated by: Elena Contell-Gonzalo, PT MSc. Elena is a Spaniard physiotherapist whose vocation always was work for children with neurodevelopmental conditions and their families. Now starting in a special needs school in Scotland, ...
The question- naires were to be completed at home and returned by mail within 2 weeks. Taking into consideration the ethics involved with conducting research using human participants, we ex- cluded facilities that did not have a fertility counselor certified by the Japan Society for Infertility ...