neuroendocrine responses (first and lowest level): the suppression of melatonin release induced by bright light projected in the blind region persists in decorticated patients (see [3] for a review). Using alternative forced choice designs (AFC), the capacity to localize very brief flashes of ...
A retinal tear may happen due to age-related changes in the eyes. As you get older, the vitreous humor can stick to and pull the retina, causing a tear. A torn retina can cause dark spots in your vision orflashes of light. In some cases, blood can leak into the gel and cause you...
The other report had a similar description, adding, “The flashes were more like thin beams of extremely bright white light that traveled in perfectly straight vertical lines. They appeared in a flash, in a nanosecond—and these flashes were blinding. I cannot imagine I was the only person wh...
In most cases, they are perceived as little dots or flashes of white light that move around or shimmer, and disappear after a few seconds. Charles Bonnet syndrome is the experience of complex visual hallucinations in patients with retinal disease who are otherwise physically and psychologically in...
As someone who has read quite a few children’s books about China, I was pleased with the little flashes of recognition I experienced throughout the book. I remember reading the story of the painter with the magic brush whose paintings came to life when they were completed. I recognized the...
“In space I see things that are not there. Flashes in my eyes, like luminous dancing fairies, give a subtle display of light that is easy to overlook when I’m consumed by normal tasks. But in the dark confines of my sleep station, with the droopy eyelids of pending sleep, I see ...
"Color" is not a wavelength; rather, it is a concept which is associated with a certain stimulus, namely a certain wavelength of light entering the eye. Note that pure yellow light and a combination of red + green light are both associated with the color "yellow" in the brain. This als...