Every once in a while, the moon gets its moment in the sun. Or rather, in front of the sun. Monday's solar eclipse across a swath of the U.S. is dominating the space conversation at the moment, as people compare weather forecasts and hunt for last-second spots to get in the path ...
thosewest of the Mississippi Riverwere treated to a fine show. We were the lucky exception here at Astroguyz HQ just north of Tampa Bay in Florida, as the storm front held off juuusst long enough to witness the eclipse in its entirety. ...
Private Athena moon lander arrives in Florida ahead of SpaceX launch on Feb. 26 Scientists discover new, 3rd form of magnetism that may be the 'missing link' in the quest for superconductivity European 'Swarm' satellites detect electric currents from the ocean's tides Space mining company Astro...