characterized by automatic word processing; the second, when reading comprehension and written production become expert instruments in the communication of progressively more abstract and sophisticated,
Another day on the street Scott asked me for a cigarette. And on my second-to-last day in Brownsville he hit me up for a dollar for coffee. I had a few minutes before the welcome center opened, so we had time to chat. Scott is 50-ish, tall with short white hair. He had been ...
Gould older. McGiffin an insider with the big award and the credits, Gould the outsider with her separate interests, independent career, and a whole life spent only indirectly in the service of poems. I’m not making a judgment call, either way. But I know people do. I’m struggling to...
regardless of the circumstances you face. Your integrity is the very core of your influence. So when you see 111, it is a reminder to lead by example.
Scaling up begins with thinking about how you build a bigger story and a bigger vision once the company is expanding. Alan Feld, cofounder and managing partner of Vintage Partners, cautions Israeli entrepreneurs not to define their product category too narrowly. “The big idea is to think as ...
Since then, after three years in which the parties, No10 and the senior civil service have imploded (after doing the opposite of what Vote Leave said should happen on every aspect of the negotiations) one thing has held steady — Insiders refuse to ask...
THE BIG ISSUES: RIVAL IMAGES Question 3 in Republican Survey invites judgments about the relative importance of cited “issues.”It also conveys suggestions about what matters qualify, and do not qualify, as contemporary political issues.In this case, illumination can be gained by means of comparis...
Here is an example. Germany’s Deutsche Telkom is trying to turn their wholly-owned subsidiary US company T-Mobile into a low-wage, low-benefit, union-free dumping ground. Is this an effort to ultimately bring these tactics back home to break Germany’s unions?
Taxes are on profits, and profits are calculated at the end of a tax year by adding up all the revenue and subtracting all the costs. When a product or service is sold the company doesn’t really know yet how much profit, if any, it will have at the end of the year, so it doesn...