The case that is analyzed is a practice freeskiers call 'reading faces,' that is, figuring out attractive lines of descent through dangerous mountain terrain by inspecting and discussing it from afar.Woermann, NiklasUniversity of Southern Denmark...
The pedestrian is not moving his arms and/or standing still in the road; Opposing headlamp glare is present, especially for older drivers and for HID/LED headlamps; The vehicle lights are set to low-beam rather than high-beam; The background is cluttered; Atmospheric conditions are rainy, sn...
To summarize then: In Seeing, a populist orientation plays out in a particu- lar and only partial way. First, and in true populist fashion, some pretty clear lines are drawn between the elites and the people, or the population. Second, the people are profoundly ambivalent about the ...
and then backend APIs, tests, and deployment code). We also created a content management system (CMS) that allowed faculty to add or delete additional content and observe student queries. That CMS was 9000 lines of code and a simple web-based application...
Seeing-in is a distinct kind of perception, and it is triggered off by the presence within the field of vision of a differentiated surface. [ : : : ] When the surface is right, then an experience with a certain phenomenology will occur, and it is this phenomenology that is distinctive ...
classroom. The eye’s ability to move and visually track information is both an automatic (reflexive) response and a voluntary action. Tracking allows us to follow a moving object as it moves across our field of vision. Visual tracking also includes the ability to move the eyes in various ...
To construct a neuronal representation of object motion, the visual system must overcome this ambiguity, which generally can be done by evaluating contextual cues—i.e., local patterns of brightness, color, texture, etc.—in which each moving retinal image feature appears. For example, to ...
That CMS was 9000 lines of code and a simple web-based application. The importance of the CMS will become clear later. The code was written over the course of the late spring and summer and took roughly 2-3 person months. If written today, with the rapid improvement in the underlying ...
vision-based detection methods usually require good lighting and weather conditions and sophisticated computer vision algorithms. In [11], measurements of objects moving around intersections in a realistic scene were made using a static radar operating at X-band (8–12 GHz), and radar waves ...
Hillman (1979), whose work in archetypal psychology re-visioned Jung’s initial insights, defined Shadow as “the interior darkness that pulls downward out of life and keeps one in relentless connection with the underworld” and advised that approaching Shadow like Hercules, attempting to violently...