Decades earlier, my father died of a sudden cardiac event while traveling overseas. I was in medical school at the time, blindsided by a call in the middle of the night. The helplessness of that moment remained buried—until it surfaced unexpectedly, triggered by my patient’s cardiac distres...
The man, almost a decade older, has had only a few minor surgeries in his day, most the result of athletic pursuits he was able to enjoy with his disposable income and reasonable work schedule. He is retired and at the cardiologist out of an abundance of caution after some worrisome sympt...
thesematerialsonanotherwebsiteordistributingtheminanywayisprohibited. EnglishasaSecondLanguagePodcast ESLPodcast164–SeeingaSpecialist Thispodcastiscalled“SeeingaSpecialist.”A“specialist”isusuallyadoctorthat isanexpertinoneparticularareaofmedicine.So,itcouldbeacardiologist, someonewhosanexpertwiththeheart.Itcould...
, is a cardiologist and heart rhythm specialist in Orange County, California. He is the author of Restart Your Heart and his forthcoming book Restart Your Mind: Finding Balance in Chaos and Uncertainty. Online:, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter ...
, is a cardiologist and heart rhythm specialist in Orange County, California. He is the author of Restart Your Heart and his forthcoming book Restart Your Mind: Finding Balance in Chaos and Uncertainty. Online:, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter ...
, is a cardiologist and heart rhythm specialist in Orange County, California. He is the author of Restart Your Heart and his forthcoming book Restart Your Mind: Finding Balance in Chaos and Uncertainty. Online:, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter ...
, is a cardiologist and heart rhythm specialist in Orange County, California. He is the author of Restart Your Heart and his forthcoming book Restart Your Mind: Finding Balance in Chaos and Uncertainty. Online:, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter ...