Whereas two narrator figures emerge before him attempting to narrate but are interrupted because their stories either promise of a good natural environment or a distant land: “forest thick with trees” and “a world of snow” (The Storm in the Barn 8), Jack is the one who is able to gi...
Spatial frequency means how often things change in space. High spatial frequency changes means lots of small detail. Spatial frequency is surprisingly important to our visual system – lots of basic features of the visual world, like orientation or motion, are processed first according to which spa...
Black bars indicate group-means and 95% confidence intervals (CI95%). d Group-median response times, ±CI95%. These data are the same as those in panel A, but are here broken down into individual six-trial blocks to assess the consistency of the effect, and possible learning or fatigue...
This means that if your room light is bright enough to view a print correctly [500 ± 125 lx] then the light in the room is far too bright for screen viewing [ambient illumination shall be less than, or equal to, 64 lx and should be less than, or equal to, 32 lx]...
Thanks to the help of a beautiful but quirky techie, Luke increases the power of the goggles until he is thrust even deeper into the spirit world. With their added strength and the help of others, darker secrets are soon uncovered until Luke himself is seduced by the power and pride that...
(核聚变)”-never mind that she hasn't the least idea of what nuclear fusion means.Elizabeth did very well(she's good at memorizing things).And now she hates science.My eighth-grader son, Ben, also suffered from science education.Week after week he had to perform lab experiments with ...
“Pagan” means “of the land, country dweller, peasant,” all of which my family was. It also means a person whose primary spiritual relationship is with Nature and the Earth. And this, I could see, day to day, was true not only of me bu...
to be helpful. My email is unchanged and can be found in the contact section. My twitter is @VoxPopulist. My FB is /jmmooney. My mailing address has changed as described above, you can get it from me at either the email, the twitter, or FB. That’s triangulating your means of cont...
that silver streak in the shadow of the forest is the 'break' from a new snag, and he has located himself in the very best place he could have found to fish for steamboats; that tall dead tree, with a single living branch, is not going to last long, and then how is a body ever...
This procedure was treated as a day-stay procedure, but largely went ahead in much the same manner as any other operation on both occasions. I was asked to present myself at Royal London at 7am and await my turn, where I was gowned up and the procedure explained to me. I met with ...