Electronics products and services for Makers to Engineers. Fusion PCB manufacture, PCB Assembly, CNC milling services and more. Affordable and reliable. Realise your ideas with Seeed Studio.
Seeed Studio 机器人人工智能产品经理虚拟现实智能家居 深圳 公司简介 Seeed作为一家成立七年多的创业公司,主营业务是开源硬件,面向的客户群体是创客。 公司资源 創業經驗分享、海外BD經驗分享 团队成员 余月枚 产品化经理 创意到产品的一站式硬件服务 吕海琳 ...
Seeed Studio has dedicated to realizing interactive digital replica of our physical world, as being an IoT hardware partner since 2008. This is an open platform collecting all the wikis published by Seeed Studio, to show you the full picture of our efforts, natural environments digitization and ...
Electronics products and services for Makers to Engineers. Fusion PCB manufacture, PCB Assembly, CNC milling services and more. Affordable and reliable. Realise your ideas with Seeed Studio.
Seeed Studio Products Now Available at RoboCore in Brazil! Ellie Cai March 18, 2025 Seeed Studio is thrilled to kick off the new year with an exciting partnership with RoboCore, making a wide range of Seeed Studio products accessible to customers in Brazil. This collaboration aims to empower...
Bluetooth Usage with Seeed Studio XIAO ESP32S3 (Sense)The Seeed Studio XIAO ESP32S3 is a powerful development board that supports Bluetooth 5, BLE, and Mesh networking, making it an ideal choice for a wide range of IoT applications that require wireless connectivity. With its outstanding RF pe...
本店搜索 价格- 套件开发板核心板
矽递科技是一家创新型物联网科技公司,主营业务为边缘计算硬件、网络通信硬件、智能传感硬件的研发、生产及销售,并提供各类研发辅助产品及服务。【官方网站】: http://www.seeedstudio.com.cn/ 【淘宝企业店铺】: https://seeedstudio.taobao.com/ 个人资料 UID3546665994685307 生日01-01 ...
Seeed Studio 101020636 $42.00 Read more 四位七劃管 4-digit 7-segment Display Seeed Studio Grove 4-digit Display, TM1637 WECL 058-79-2502 Seeed Studio 104030003 $59.00 Read more 空氣質素感測器 Air Quality Sensor Seeed Studio Grove Air Quality Sensor v1.3, MP503 ...
Get started with Embedded Machine Learning on Wio Terminal using graphical programming platform Codecraft --- a platform for not only TinyML but also supports a variety of common hardware devices like Arduino, micro:bit, Grove, Wio Terminal, M.A.R.K., a