cheerlender是什麼意思 cheeks stick是什麼意思 navel gazing是什麼意思 stomach of steel是什麼意思 相同關鍵字的提問 did you stool? (talk to a little baby) 聽起來自然嗎? 請提供關於 stool, necktie and neatly 的例句給我。 "I'm happy because my loose stool is getting solid since I quit ... 10. The normal stool of a breastfed baby is yellow and loose (soft to runny) and may be seedy or curdy . 正常的母乳宝宝的大便颜色应该是黄色,松软(糊状),有些可能可能呈粒状或者结块。 1 2 3 4 5©...