Those withhands-onaccess to the beta 2.1 code atGear Livenote that Core Location can now recognize the cardinal direction of an iPhone with GPS as well as its velocity, both of which are ingredients necessary to providing turn-by-turn directions. The additions confirm statements recently by App...
Equipped with GPS and various sensors, they can provide real-time monitoring of local environmental indicators like pH levels and heavy metal concentrations” explains Yang. Inspired by natural maple samara, the team created azobenzene-based light-deformable liquid crystal ela...
2A) on the Western blotting for each lane by using Image Studio Lite tool. After removal of the background, succinylation intensities of the upper band of native developing rice seed proteins dissolved in either SDS or PBS buffer (Fig. 2A, lane 1 and 2) were between the intensity presented...
Un estudio comparado. Revista HMiC 8: 49–62. Felski, Rita. 1995. The Gender of Modernity. Cambridge: Harvard UP. Fernández García, Elena. 2007. Las Mujeres en los Inicios de la Revolución Liberal Española (1808–1823). Ph.D. dissertation, Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, Barcelona....