Kenya's Wangari Maathair who won the Peace Prize as founder of the Green Belt Movement which promotes the management of natural resources in Kenya; Controversial belief of Maathair that AIDS is a biological weapon planted in Africa by t...
The fourth in a series of Rocky Hills environmental lectures, with an introduction by Scot Medbury, president of the Brooklyn Botanic Garden.We admire oaks for their strength, their size, and their age, but we should also admire them for their flexibility and persistence, and for the fact th...
During most of the GATT controversy, say its critics, the Indian government did little to help its own cause, neglecting to make the treaty available in any of the 16 major Indian languages. Citizens have been left mainly with vague reassurances about long-term benefits or somber assessments of...
In choosing Maathai as its peace laureate, the Nobel committee broadened its definition of the prize, typically given to world leaders working to end international conflict. This year's prize has also fueled controversy over Maathai's public speculation that the AIDS virus was developed by ...