sysctl -w net.ipv4.tcp_syncookies=1 发现 发现虽然还在持续收到syn包 但user1可以telnet连接到victim Task2. 对Telnet的复位攻击 利用seed-attacker作为攻击机,user1作为客户端,victim作为服务端 客户端telnet到服务端 docker exec -it user1- bash telnet 在主机中编写好自动攻...
• Question 1: Can you use ICMP redirect attacks to redirect to a remote machine? Namely, the IP address assigned to is a computer not on the local LAN. Please show your experiment result, and explain your observation. 不能。发生ICMP重定向通常有两种情况: 1)当路由器从某个接口收...