Task3. TCP的会话劫持攻击 将victim作为服务器,user1作为客户端,seed-attacker作为攻击机。 在victim中新建new.txt touchnew.txtecho"helloworld!">>new.txt 在客户机上telnet服务器,查看刚才创建的文件“new.txt” 在攻击机上用Python代码发起会话劫持攻击,删除服务器上的“new.txt” ...
TCP/IP Attack Lab 1 Lab Overview 2 Lab Environment 2.1 Environment Setup 2.2 Note for Instructors(就是一些介绍,可以忽略) 3 Lab Tasks 3.1 Task 1 : SYN Flooding Attack 3.2 Task 2 : TCP RST Attacks on telnet and s... 漏洞挖掘——实验12 Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) Attack Lab ...
• Question 1: Can you use ICMP redirect attacks to redirect to a remote machine? Namely, the IP address assigned to icmp.gw is a computer not on the local LAN. Please show your experiment result, and explain your observation. 不能。发生ICMP重定向通常有两种情况: 1)当路由器从某个接口收...