Besides the precise and reproducible testing methods, appropriate practices during seed production and post-harvest handling, including seed treatment and storage, are important components of seed health management and sustainable crop protection.You have full access to this open access chapter, Download ...
Saving seeds is an easy way to ensure that you'll always have your favorite plants in your garden. All it takes is some know-how and a little extra effort. SEEDS ARE sometimes overlooked by gardeners in their pursuit of a bountiful harvest of fruits and vegetables, and collecting them is...
Seed and Spade is an easy to use garden planner based on Square Foot Gardening. - Drag and Drop Just drag and drop a seed anywhere you want to plant it so that it perfectly matches your garden. - Push Notifications We'll help you keep track of when to water, fertilize, harvest, and...
Harvest indexThe appropriate planting pattern of safflower in summer planting might be different from the planting pattern suitable for spring planting, and this has not been determined under Isfahan environmental conditions. A field experiment was conducted in the summer of 2000 at the Agricultural ...
11.After the harvest, the peasants began to prepare the soil for seed.收割后, 农民就开始整地以便播种。 12.The new machine distributes seed evenly and quickly (over the whole farm).这种新机器(在整个农场上)均匀而快速地播种。 13.Study on Producing Seed Potato Cultivation Technique of Potato Mi...
Two kinds of organic manures, Farm Yard Manure (FYM) and Vermicompost (VC), alone and in combination with two biofertilizers (Azotobacter and PSB) and chemical fertilizers (RDF) were tested in comparison with control. The results revealed that the shoot length (cm), root length (cm), shoot...
B-Harvest BAT BTC.Secure BarbaraL BartestneT BasementNodes BccNodes Beagle2 BlackLodge BlackSquare BlockFarms BlockHunters BlockRockers BlockpowerCapital Blockval BlueTrust BonyNode Brightlystake Brochain BroujCoreum BwareLabs ByteStake-3a299b34 C.Klock_ECHTeamScammer C.R.E.A.M CIVians CORE_ANO...
8.Warmth is needed for the seeds to germinate.种子发芽需要适当的温度. 9.Heat and moisture will germinate the seeds.温度和潮湿会使种子发芽。 10.Seeds are germinated by warmth and moisture.温暖的气候和水分促使种子发芽。 11.Studies on Pre-Harvest Sprouting Resistance in Brassica Napus;甘蓝型油菜抗...
lower moisture content of seed at harvest; earlier harvest date; less fuel and time expended in drying seed for storage; improved performance in laboratory tests for germination at cold temperatures; improved seed treatment efficacy; improved emergence under stress in field conditions; improved plantabi...
and optimal harvest time of white clover seeds. Farmers should select a harvest time when the most seeds are yellow-coated to improve quality of seeds. This process avoids spending excess time determining the internal physiological index, is useful to harvest crop of white clovers for seed ...