Speedinvest is one of Europe’s most active pre-seed and seed stage tech investors, and we love to receive visionary startup pitch decks. Submit yours today!
模块化收益层 Cygnus 宣布完成 2000 万美元的 pre-seed 融资,Manifold、OKX Ventures、Mirana Ventures、Optimism Retro Funding、G-20 Group 等参投。据悉,Cygnus 旨在帮助其他区块链轻松定制自身的再质押网... 网页链接
While most venture capital firms focus on investments from the seed stage to later stage investments, there are some firms that will offer pre-seed investments in the form of convertible notes. With convertible securities, the money invested in the company can be converted into either ownership or...
币界网报道: Byzantine Finance 宣布完成 300 万美元 pre-seed 轮融资,Node Capital 和 Blockwall Ventures 领投。Lightshift、Masterkey、Kiln Ventures 等 30 多位投资者参投。融资将支持 Byzantine Finance 开发其去中心化的“聚合层”协议,旨在帮助多个区块链共享流动性、状态和用户,同时保持各自的主权。Byzantine...
吴说获悉,加密协作终端项目 Herd 在 X 上发文宣布完成 180 万美元 Pre-Seed 轮融资,由 Semantic Ventures 领投,Archetype 和 First Commit 参投。据悉,Herd 正在开发一个加密协作终端,旨在简化与链上合约... 网页链接
SKU'd Ventures is a pre-seed venture capital firm for consumer product startups. Our goal is to provide funding and support startups (Consumer brands, CPG, DTC) to eventual profitability.
Pre-seed investorsare often friends, family, or early angel investors, whereasseed investorsinclude venture capital firms or more established angel investors. Pre-seed funding is best suited for building a minimum viable product (MVP), forming a team, or conducting market research. ...
日前,银行“连心贷”鼓励未婚男女共同购房引发热议。而远在美国,一家推出类似“连心贷”合伙购房服务的初创公司拿到了350万美元的Pre-seed轮融资。 2月22日,有市场消息称,农业银行推出新型商业贷款产品“连心贷”,主要以未婚男女朋友作为共同还款人。农业银行客服解释称,该行早年就曾推出个人住房联名贷款业务,主要产品...
币界网消息,模块化真实收益层和 Itagram 应用链 Cygnus 完成 2000 万美元 Pre-Seed 轮融资,Manifold Trading、OKX Ventures、Mirana Ventures、Optimism Foundation Retro Funding 等参投。此次融资将使 Cygnus 扩大其产品范围并加强在关键市场的影响力,推动加密行业进入
币界网报道:去中心化借贷协议NeuronX宣布完成100万美元Pre-Seed轮融资,Obelisk Capital领投,Ecco Capital、AU21 Capital、Eureka Partners和几位天使投资人参投,新资金将用于开发人工智能驱动借贷流程,帮助投资者无需手动输入处理复杂的借贷策略、调整杠杆头寸、执行交易并重新平衡资产。