{printf("Error: e and phi(n) is not relatively prime \n ");exit(0); }BN_mod_inverse(d, e, phi, ctx);printBN("private key", d, n);BN_clear_free(p);BN_clear_free(q);BN_clear_free(n);BN_clear_free(res);BN_clear_free(phi);BN_clear_free(e);BN_clear_free(d);BN_clea...
master README.md buffer_overflow.md formatstring.md oneway_hashfunction.md publickey_pki.md return_to_libc.md secretkey_encryption.md setuid_program.md shellshock.mdBreadcrumbs seedlab/ buffer_overflow.mdLatest commit 实验楼在线教育 Update buffer_overflow.md 549b56d· Mar 25, 2015 HistoryHist...
In the RSA algorithm, we have a public exponente ee, a private exponentd dd, a modulusn nn, and two secret numbersp ppandq qq, such thatn = p q n = pqn=pq. Please identify the values for these elements in your certificate and key files. 在CA 的私钥文件中,n nn为 modulus: 00:...