Adds See Through Scope functionality to the default UNIT sight, additional addon for vanillalike receivers, and a munitions patch.
See-Through Combat Scopes – 4x Magnification 4x Magnification Combat Scopes I always was annoyed by the fade-out-fade-in black screen when using scopes. This made quick aiming with a short scope nearly impossible in an intense fire fight. ...
Configuring The first time you run TGS you should be prompted with a configuration wizard which will guide you through setting up yourappsettings.Production.yml This wizard will, generally, run whenever the server is launched without detecting the config yml. Follow the instructions below to perform...
export interface Root { install: Install; } export interface Install { scopes: Scopes; registry: Registry; production: boolean; dryRun: boolean; optional: boolean; dev: boolean; peer: boolean; globalDir: string; globalBinDir: string; cache: Cache; lockfile: Lockfile; logLevel: "debug" | "...
I hope ZWO comes through for you, Jethro. I was sorry to hear that your Seestar had conked out after just 30 hours. I’ve probably logged a 60 hours on mine since I received it on March 13. I don’t expect it to last for more than a couple of years, but there will be better...
I guess i was under the impression thats what “smart scopes” were for. Why would a complete new comer to astronomy want to buy one with the intent to post process the image??? Im sure these will get better in time but until now ill continue go to through the “effort” with my ...
Just how much can one expect to see looking through a moderate, say 6 to 10-inch, reflecting telescope? Will a nebula be just a fuzzy cloud or will it display form and structure? Will a galaxy have detail or be just a fuzzy patch in the eyepiece? How about the Moon and planets?
I want to see the logs of these logon events, however when I look through the Security logs of event viewer I do not see these logon events (only see normal AD users logging on).How do I view LDAP user account logons within Windows Server 2012 ?
The ideal time to observe any DSO is when it culminates (reaches its highest elevation). When an object is at low elevation, you're looking through a lot of air and haze, what we call muck. Also, the effects of light pollution are most severe at low altitudes. When the object culmina...
five kills. In this montage, I liked how he methodically approached the enemy on the roof of the Squad House and didn't rush in, although being confident that he would be able to steal TPP. This being the case, he sprinted through the gap in the wall and finished him off from ...