#英语俗语# see the forest for the trees 只见树木,不见森林。言外之意就是,看问题只重细节,不顾整体。 ➡️ What projects or situations are you too close to that cause you to not SEE THE FOREST FOR TH...
Can't see the forest for the trees 一叶障目 只见树木不见森林 http://t.cn/A6HtuHxS
Anna:Good idea. Lots of individual trees make up a forest. If youcan't see the forest for the trees, you're not able to understand a situation fully because you are too focused on the small details. Think of each detail as a...
See the forest for the trees. 以大局为重。 Put one foot in front of the other. 要踏踏实实地前进。 Don't change horses in midstream. 不要中途变卦。 forest ['frst] n.森林 midstream[md'strim] n. 中流,河流正中 打开网易新闻 查看精彩图片 平台所学内容均来自 台湾刘毅一口气英语 已获授权,...
If you "can't see the forest for the trees," you're not able to understand a situation fully because you are too focused on the small details. 如果你“见树不见林”,你就无法理解整体情况,因为你太专注于小的细节了。 Think of each detail as a tree, and the major issue as the forest...
use, modification, seeking marketsfor the forestproducts, especially re-plantingtreesinresponse to the local demands and exports daccess-ods.un.org daccess-ods.un.org (c) 提高木材使用和加工效益,为森林产品寻找市场, 特别 是根据当地需求 和出口需求植树造林;鼓励林业界为减贫做出贡献 ...
书单|The Hooded Utilitarian组织211位漫画界专业人士评选有... (迷魂辑┃Deeper into Books & Movies小组) 最新讨论 ( 更多 ) At each other’s throats (モモ) Handymen (モモ) Come to a head (モモ) 英/法学习|瓜子melon seeds (Caiyanan) By skin of someone’s teeth (モモ)©...
1. Be barking up the wrong tree 含义: 字面意思是冲着错误的树乱叫,其实就是表示找错了原因,用错了方法。 比如:John thinks it'll solve the problem, but I think he's barking up the wrong tree.John 认为这能解决问题,可我觉得他找错了门。 2. Not see the forest for the trees 含义: ...
Can't see theforest1for the trees 只见树木不见森林 含义: 无法从更广的角度观察局面;无法看清整体或大局。 例句: Yuki is very detail-oriented, but she is notable2to see the forest for the trees. 尤姬非常注重细节,但她没法看清大局。
Spatial and temporal analysis of the distribution of forest specialists in an urban-fragmented landscape (Madrid, Spain) Implications for local and regiona... Management strategies for the regional conservation of forest birds sometimes do not consider explicitly their applicability to areas with differen...