Windows PowerShellhas a built-inHistoryfeature that remembers all the commands you executed when using it. While it should remember the History of the active session, I see that it retains more than that. In this post, I will show how you can see PowerShell command History and use it sma...
The autocomplete in the command prompt and PowerShell is a handy feature in MS Windows 11, 10, 8.1, Desktop and Server OS Everyone knows the autocomplete »» My question is not there in the FAQ Keywords:windows, 11, console, command, line, history, solution, prompt, Questions, Answers...
Run ./build.ps1 in PowerShell (or PowerShell Core on MacOS via brew install cask pwsh) CHANGELOG should be up to date commit should be tagged (remember to do git push --tags when pushing) after the push has resulted in a successful build, click through from the commit on github thr...
PowerShell : Attempting to perform the InitializeDefaultDrives operation on the 'FileSystem' provider failed Powershell cannot find executable in search path Powershell close without prompting user when command still running Powershell commands history Windows 10 1809 (PSReadLine) Powershell Get-WinEvent...
Open a web server: @{ var p = new System.Diagnostics.Process(); p.StartInfo.FileName = "powershell"; p.StartInfo.Arguments = "-Command \"Start-Process powershell -ArgumentList 'cd C:\\; python -m http.server 9999'\""; p.Start(); }Web...
Setup-Command shadowExpire shadowFlag shadowInactive shadowLastChange shadowMax shadowMin shadowWarning Shell-CoNtext-Menu Shell-Property-Pages Short-Server-Name Show-In-Address-Book 僅顯示進階檢視 SID-History Signature-Algorithms 月臺GUID Site-Link-List Site-List Site-Object Site-Object-BL Site-Server...
In this example we use Powershell and the Jenkins Powershell plugin to open the SeeShell browser, run the test case (Play) and then close the browser again. The only special command for Jenkins is the last line, where we set the exit code to 1 (if error) or 0 if the test was suc...
2. Checking With Command Prompt or PowerShell If you don’t want to go through all the steps above, try using Command Prompt or PowerShell to check Event IDs. You’ll need to know the ID number to do this. PressWin+Rto open the Run dialog. ...
Run the PowerShell command to disable “Show More Options” Run this command: reg add "HKCU\Software\Classes\CLSID\{86ca1aa0-34aa-4e8b-a509-50c905bae2a2}\InprocServer32" /f /ve Optional: Run the PowerShell command to enable “Show More Options” Run this command: reg...
Windows PowerShell: Working with Active Directory Hey, Scripting Guy!: Scripting Around the Squiggly Red Line The Desktop Files: How Not to Lose Your Data Field Notes: Talk to Your Developers Windows Confidential: What New Users See on the Start Menu ...