当你运行 命令时,它会显示所有可以升级的包。 但是如果有新的内核版本可用,它们可能不会显示,因为内核包名称以linux-headers-x-y开头。这是因为系统将它们视为新包,而不是对已安装的包linux-headers-a-b的升级。 但是,你仍然会在可升级包列表中看到linux-generic-hwe类型的包,因为该软件包将被升级(使用较新的...
clean packages 清除临时包文件(/var/cache/yum 下文件) clean headers 清除rpm头文件 clean oldheaders 清除旧的rpm头文件 deplist 列出包的依赖 list 可安装和可更新的RPM包 list installed 已安装的包 list extras 已安装且不在资源库的包 info 可安装和可更新的RPM包 信息 info installed 已安装包的信息(-...
sudo rm /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libcurl.so.3SUDO password requiredDELETE:ePSXe | ePSXe64Ubuntu.sh | ePSXe_backups | .epsxe | .epsxe.svgrestart pcchangelog1111.6 Now using Ubuntu's archive for necessary packages. Checksum is implemented. Shellcheck used to correct common errors. 11.5 Now ...
Installing on GNU/Linux The general approach is simple: Install PyQt5 for Python 3 using your OS' package manager (e.g. APT). Install the application itself from Git via PIP:pip3 install git+https://github.com/UAVCAN/gui_tool@master(it is not necessary to clone this repository manually)...
Hello. So I installed RedHat 8 and found that the system does not see my WIFI adapter. I started looking for a driver on the network, it says that you need to install the rtl8188eu driver (tp link wn725n adapter). And for some reason he did not want to install in any way. I ...
It can be installed on any operating system directly from the web. It is also included in common Linux distributions. \TeX/live contains the program \LuaTeX/, which will process your input files and produce output PDFs. It also includes the default macro set \ulink[http://petr.olsak.net...
Installed size: 32 k Is this ok [y/N]: Y Downloading Packages: Running transaction check Transaction check succeeded. Running transaction test Transaction test succeeded. Running transaction Preparing : 1/1 Installing : epel-release-8-10.el8.noarch 1/1 ...
For additional information on the apt/apt-get packages manager, visit the man pagehttps://linux.die.net/man/8/apt-get. For additional information on dpkg, visit the man pagehttps://linux.die.net/man/1/dpkg. Conclusion As you can see, showing installed, removed and upgraded software is ...
分享163 linux吧 deltax9k 亲们,我正在本子上装官方最新的Archlinux,在线求指导现在正在这一步 Install the base system Before installing, you may want to edit /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist such that your preferred mirror is first. This copy of the mirrorlist will be installed on your new system by pac...
Linux software packages vary from distribution to distribution, so there’s no one-size-fits-all approach if you can’t see other computers on a network from a Linux PCs—at least with a graphical user interface. To check if your PC can see other devices, you can use thearp-scannetwork...