Another remarkable aspect aboutFear and Desireis how ambitious it was. Kubrick’s later, more mature works are often extremely existential in theme and tone—they are big budget art films that challenge audiences to actually think about what they’ve seen. Kubrick is big on ambiguity, symbolism,...
Helpful•12 5 kluseba Dec 15, 2014 Permalink 1/10 Waste Spoiler Helpful•14 50 b_jimura Nov 15, 2013 Permalink "I've Been Here For Years, They've Been Here For Centuries!"... Helpful•1 0 Dethcharm Sep 12, 2023 Permalink...
No matter how crazy things look right now – they’ve actually been worse in the past. So this world stage we’re looking at is not new. Not in the slightest. And this world isn’t the start and end of all things either. There’s more than the naked eye can see. We’re just ...
The show is about Guilin culture and history, it's all in Chinese, however there’s a short intro video with English subtitles. I’m still baffled how the water an actor was standing in on the stage appeared and disappeared so quickly!Expect to spend a good three hours or more at ...
and we see a level of caution that all suggests they had norealidea of exactly how great and how destructive the A-bomb would be. For all the intellectual brilliance assembled at Los Alamos, there was also a startling level of naiveté, and we also see Oppenheimer staring at his reflective...
The first part of the tour has a 7 minute DVD which has English subtitles. Then you are allowed down into the cellars where olive oil production took place. The extent of the network must be huge as it's on multiple levels and includes a vast water storage part (see if you ...
14 Where I've grown up... 15 Evan! 16 Evan! 17 - they tried to stop me from hearing the music. 18 But when I'm alone... 19 builds up from inside me. 20 And I think if I could learn how to play it... 21 ...they might hear me. 22 They would know I wa 分享...
And I just tested in PR 2023.3 with advanced scaling set to 125% and I see no problems with regular graphics text or subtitles. And I don't think you can set advanced scaling and still have options for regular scaling. In Windows settings, go to Display. Immedia...
The mighty and all-powerful Chicago Underground Film Festival has done the absolute unthinkable: Reached their 20th year of operation! How many underground festivals have accomplished that feat? None, until now! Well, “now” being March 6-10 at the fest’s new location: The Logan Theatre. ...
Make a calorie counter and make it so you can scan the nutritional facts box and it does the work for you. The user would then just put in the amount of something they had. I cannot wait to see how this app evolves. ️