premier essai docker image Dec 10, 2020 .Rprofile Ajout de la fiche targets (#397) Jul 16, 2022 .gitattributes Nettoyage du dépôt Apr 17, 2020 .gitignore Bonnes pratiques (#466) Feb 16, 2023 .gitmodules Utilisation d'un template issu d'un package (#229) ...
Dockerfile fix: install conda in container image (#3127) Oct 9, 2024 Update Apr 11, 2024 feat: include tests/ in sdist (#3073) Sep 7, 2024 docs: add badge for bioconda version (#2902) ...
The docker-compose.yml relelvant service is: nginx: image: nginx:alpine container_name: spun-flask-nginx restart: unless-stopped ports: - 80:80 volumes: - ./nginx.conf:/etc/nginx/nginx.conf:ro - ./certs:/etc/nginx/certs networks: - flask The directory certs has inside: myuser@spun...
'upgrade.cli-upgrade-link' => '', 'allow_local_remote_servers' => true, 'davstorage.request_timeout' => 3600, 'htaccess.RewriteBase' => '/', 'dbpersistent' => false, 'files_external_allow_create_new_local' => false, 'trusted...
Using docker image gradle:7.3-jdk11 Sonarqube gradle scanner 3.2.0 JUnit 5 tests (5.8.2) error observed (wrap logs/code around triple quote ``` for proper formatting) Configured property “sonar.junit.reportPaths” with “build/test-results/test/” value (this is...
gitlab runner The Docker executor rather than having to test them on a dedicated CI server...Read the relevant issue for more details...Read more on using a private Docker registry...Using a private service image will strip any port given and apply the rules as described above.....
Doing a "ls mmc 1:1", first and boot partition, and I can see files like "Image" and also "fsl-ls1012a-rdb.dtb". Doing a "ls mmc 1:2", second and rfs partition, and I can see the complete RFS indeed. I still have both tarballs (*.tgz) in both partitions, can I delete ...
2.2 Use Docker image It is easier to install Prometheus using Docker, just run the following command: $ sudo docker run -d -p 9090:9090 prom/prometheus Under normal circumstances, we will also specify the location of the configuration file: ...
Today I learned how to build a Rails app without having all of Postgres installed on my machine. My whole purpose is to avoid adding too much software to my Mac. I am running Postgres in a Docker container instead. I hit a snag because it appeared that the pg gem needed all of Postgr...
安装tesseract-ocr 配置exe环境变量或是修改 cwd 的tesseract的路径为全路径即可 tesseract-ocr.exe下载 pytesseract.pytesseract.TesseractError: (1, 'Error opening data file C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Tesseract-OCR\\eng.traineddata Please make sur...