Since the gene trees are different, we conclude that recombination is important in natural populations of E. coli. Finally, we suggest that gene trees can be used to create an operational means of defining bacterial species by using the biological species definition. 展开 ...
University of Warwick, Coventry, UK and 3Ca´tedra de Microbiologı´a, Facultad de Quı´mica, Universidad de la Repu´blica-Uruguay, Montevideo, Uruguay Lonar Lake is a unique saline and alkaline ecosystem formed by meteor impact in the Deccan basalts in India around 52 000 years...
Container with deposit for urine sediments, characterized by being constituted by a cylindrical body, with its upper base open and provided with means for adjusting a sealing cap, and the lower base closed, presenting approximately in its middle zone, a space surrounding ring provided for receipt ...
Efficacy of screening with a urine dipstick test and renal ultrasonography among 3-year-old children in Chiba City over 21 years for detecting congenital a... Renal ultrasonography and screening with a urine dipstick test for leucocytes and nitrite in 3-year-old children have been performed in ...
Contaminants of emerging concern (CECs) are not commonly monitored in the environment, but they can enter the environment from a variety of sources. The most worrying consequence of their wide use and environmental diffusion is the increase in the possible exposure pathways for humans. Moreover, ...
It appears these shoal areas act as temporary storage sites for fine-grained sediments introduced into the estuary via the riverine tributaries.: A method of recovering potable water from urine by employing the differences in solute concentration of a liquid-ice phase system as a means of ...
As most marine sediments are anaerobic the occurrence of SRB in these sediments is widespread, this means that powerful concentrating and immobilising mechanisms should exist within the anaerobic sediments. Hamilton has found that radioactive 'hot' spots are formed in anaerobic esturine muds and ...
However, applications of spectroscopic methods to the elements present in very trace amounts in the soils and sediments are difficult because of the method's high detection limits. Blanchard et al. analyzed the mine tailings of Mo from uranium mine in norther Saskatchewan, Canada, by means of ...
The initial water content of the dung substrate will be determined by the climate and weather at the time of consumption, while the salt content varies depending on the deposition of animal urine [13]. When temperature is too high, and moisture is low the dung will experience desiccation. ...
The initial water content of the dung substrate will be determined by the climate and weather at the time of consumption, while the salt content varies depending on the deposition of animal urine [13]. When temperature is too high, and moisture is low the dung will experience desiccation. ...