MOLYBDENUM ACCUMULATION IN ORGANIC-RICH SEDIMENTS AND SEDIMENTARY ROCKSAlternatively, the organic matter may play a more direct role in sequestering Mo, in which case the type of organic matter and the extent to which it is sulfurized appear to be critical. Mo accumulation is also ascribed to co...
Furthermore, the lake’s residue’s estimated age is ~1.1 Ga (~2.3 Ga post-peak aquifer drainage during the Late Hesperian), enhancing the prospects for organic matter preservation. This deposit’s inferred fine-grained composition, coupled with the presence of coexisting mud volcanoes and ...
and sediments are mostly only partially waterlogged, allowing for the intrusion of atmospheric oxygen (Keshta et al.2020). Consequently, high mineralisation rates are facilitated, leading to the degradation of accumulated organic matter (Mueller et al.2017). As a result, the ...
Vitrinite reflectance is a reliable parameter for assessing the thermal maturation of the organic matter in sediments (Cardott and Lambert, 1985; Dow and Dutton, 1977). According to twelve measured samples from well A in this study, Ro value ranges from 1.33% to 2.17% (Fig. 4B). The Ro ...
During the Lower Paleozoic period, the Ordos Basin was situated in a marine carbonate sedimentary environment, with the basin developing marine-terrigenous transitional facies consisting of clastic rock sediments from the Upper Paleozoic to Mesozoic period. The Majiagou Formation accumulated during the Low...
Sedimentary rock - Clastic, Chemical, Organic: Conglomerates and breccias are sedimentary rocks composed of coarse fragments of preexisting rocks held together either by cement or by a finer-grained clastic matrix. Both contain significant amounts (at le
Conglomerate could be thought of as a giant sandstone, containing grains of pebble size (greater than 4 millimeters) and cobble size (>64 millimeters). This type of sedimentary rock forms in a very energetic environment, where rocks are eroded and carried downhill so swiftly that they aren't...
Stratification (or bedding) is expressed by rock layers (units) of a general tabular or lenticular form that differ in rock type or other characteristics from the material with which they are interstratified (sometimes stated as interbedded, or interlayered). These beds, or strata, are of vary...
One containing between 50 and 90% of a particular component is described as being "rich" in that material, and one containing 10 to 50% is said to be "bearing" that component. Examples of rock names using this nomenclature are "clay-dominated mudstone" (> 90% clay), "silt- and sand-...
Sedimentary rocks can come in a wide range of colors due to the varied composition of their sediments. Common colors include shades of gray, brown, red, yellow, and white. The color of a sedimentary rock is influenced by the minerals present, organic matter, and other factors such as oxidat...