The top 5 cm of substrate was stored and transported in darkness and cooled in polyurethane bags to the laboratory, where they were dried at room temperature. During this process they were stirred to break up the lumps before being sifted to a size of 2 mm. The granulometric distribution ...
About 300 g surface sediment samples were collected with stainless-steel shovel and placed into the sterile Whirl–Pak® bags. The stainless-steel shovel was cleaned with 75% ethanol prior to each sediment sample collection to avoid contamination. All water and sediment samples were stored in ...
2.3.1. Sediment Characteristics Sediment samples were collected using either a handheld shovel or, most frequently, cores using a 2.5 cm diameter syringe to place ~150 g of sediment into pre-labelled Whirl-Pak bags or plastic containers. Upon returning to the laboratory, samples were held in a...
Available space for new leases has already become limiting at some sites and the testing of new rearing techniques (e.g., double bags, Dark Sea trays) is a constant reminder that the industry is still in its developmental phase. In this context, the goal of this study was to investigate ...
These samples were promptly stored and shipped to the laboratory in air-tight poly bags. Afterward, non-edible pieces were extracted by a previously steam cleaned stainless steel cutter. Muscle tissues which are the key edible component of the fish samples were then rinsed with deionized water. ...
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catchment, in Iitate village, where decontamination operations were under progress during our last fieldwork campaign (Fig. 1b). Those works consist in the removal of vegetation and topsoil and their storage in big bags. During those operations, soil is left bare and exposed to the erosive ...
“125 ofHunan ofthecoredsedlmentand were DevclopmentPmgram bags Iaped top plas“c Province”m20lO『l51 overboththeendsofthePVCtubeGeochemjcaldala ofthIsworklstodeteHninethe Dresentedlnthisworkhavenotbeencorrectedfbr Themain20al metaI Itis tobeunifonndownIhe dismbution, compaction,aslikely ...
then freeze-dried prior to grinding. Preparation for sulfur isotopic measurements in the soft tissues was described previously (Mizota et al.1999; Yamanaka et al.2000a,b). Briefly, to remove excess seawater sulfate, the dissected soft tissues were dialyzed repeatedly in cellulose bags against 1 ...
Each sample was sealed in plastic zip bags and stored at 4 °C. Geochemical composition, magnetic properties, loss-on-ignition, carbon and nitrogen content and particle size of 64 samples were analyzed at the University of Salford (UK). A pre-analysis step included the drying of all samples...