A woman named Angela from Sedgwick called asking to investigate an insurance claim about my mother's apartment building, which caught on fire about a month ago, and she took the opportunity to scold me. - James Wood New York Was this comment helpful?YesNo ...
https://claimlookup.com/Voe/sso 备注 这些不是实际值。 请使用实际标识符和回复 URL 更新这些值。 要获取这些值,请联系 Sedgwick CMS 客户端支持团队。 还可参考“基本 SAML 配置”部分中显示的模式。 在“使用 SAML 设置单一登录”页的“SAML 签名证书”部分,单击“下载”以根据要求下载从给定选项提供的“联...