运行上述sed命令后,test.txt的内容将变为: text Hello\! This is a test file with special characters: \@ \# \$ \% \^ \& \* \( \) 这样,我们就成功地使用sed命令批量在特殊符号前面增加了反斜杠。
Here's another solution - add a backslash before each of those special characters in the script. #!/bin/sh # put two backslashes before each of these characters: ][^$.*/ # Note that the first ']' doesn't need a backslash arg=$(echo "$1" | sed 's:[]\[\^\$\.\*\/]:\\...
Photography and Art From Our Life Behind A Camera. Wildlife, Birds, Nature, Landscapes and Digital Artistry. Based in St. Louis, Mo.
对于包含条件、关键字和特定字符的长行,可以使用sed命令的模式匹配功能来定位并替换相应的内容。以下是一个示例: 假设有一个包含条件、关键字和特定字符的长行如下: 代码语言:txt 复制 This is a sample line with condition, keyword, and special characters. 我们想要将其中的"condition"替换为"replacemen...
Re: replacing special characters with sed Hi Scott: # perl -pe 's/^\015\014\015\014/\015\014/' file ...or to update in-place: # perl -pi.old -e 's/^\015\014\015\014/\015\014/' file ...which will preserve a copy of "file" as "file.old". ...
Remove characters between two patterns using sed I have below use case where I need to remove some special characters (",/,\) using sed. sample.txt srcs : [a.c] cflags : [abcd@ef] srcs : ["b.c"] cflags : [ab\cd"ef] srcs : [r/.c] cflags : [a""bcd*ef""] srcs : [g...
Sed提供了被当作命令两个特殊字符。本章说明了这两个特殊字符的使用。尝试使用这些命令,考虑有一个文本文件books.txt待处理,它有以下内容: 1) A Storm of Swords, George R. R. Martin, 1216 2) The Two Towers, J. R. R. Tolkien, 352 3) The Alchemist, Paulo Coelho, 197 ...
Not Escaping Special Characters: In Basic Regular Expressions (BRE), which is the default mode ofsed, special characters like(,),{, and}must be escaped with a backslash\to be treated as group delimiters or repetition operators. For example,\(and\)are used for grouping, and\{m,n\}is use...
Here is a stringofspecial characters:\01\02\15\07$ # testwithGNUsed too $ gsed-n-e"l"test/spchar Here is a stringofspecial characters:\01\02\r \a (另外,sed 能匹配十六进制数表示的 ASCII 字符:) 代码语言:javascript 代码运行次数:0 ...
If an ampersand (&) appears in sub, sed replaces it with the string matching reg. For more about special characters in regular expressions, see regexp. A \n in reg matches an embedded newline in the pattern buffer (resulting, for example, from an N command). The command may be foll...