[root@localhost~]#sed'/number 3/c\> This is a changed line of text.'data6.txtThis is line number1. This is line number2. This is a changed line of text. This is line number4. 2.5、sed y 转换脚本命令 y 转换命令是唯一可以处理单个字符的 sed 脚本命令,其基本格式如下: [address]y/...
addr= address of a line (number or pattern ) d= delete Examples Remove the 3rd line: sed '3d' fileName.txt Remove the line containing the string "awk": sed '/awk/d' filename.txt Remove the last line: sed '$d' filename.txt Remove all empty lines: sed '/^$/d' filename.txt s...
现在的sed版本见到这个模式会不太开心,它会产生如”Output line to long”的错误或是一直运行。我将它视为一个bug,并已经报告给Sun公司了,作为一个暂时的解决方法,你在使用”g”标志时必须避免匹配空串。一个变通的方法是”[^ ][^ ]*”,下面的命令会将第一个单词加上括号。 如果你想能每一个单词进行改动,...
This is line number 4. # 删除 data6.txt 文件内容中的第 2、3行 [root@localhost ~]#sed '/1/,/3/d' data6.txt This is line number 4. # 删除第 1~3 行的文本数据 [root@localhost ~]# sed '3,$d' data6.txt This is line number 1. This is line number 2. # 删除 data6.txt ...
1 The main thing to realize is that sed operates on individual lines, not on the whole file at once, which means that without special treatment it cannot obtain multi-line matches from a regex. In order to operate on the whole file at once, you first have to read the whole ...
That is, the next line is read and the substitute command is checked. If it contains "stop" the switch is turned off. Switches are line oriented, and not word oriented. You can combine line numbers and regular expressions. This example will remove comments from the beginning of the file...
This is line number 4. $ sed '2,3d' data.txt This is line number 1. This is line number 4. $ sed '2,$d' data.txt This is line number 1. $ sed '/number 1/d' data.txt This is line number 2. This is line number 3. This is line number 4. 可以使用两个文本模式来删除某...
sed '10p;5i\"INSERTED BEFORE LINE 5" file.txt Remove comments between lines starting with these two keywords. Empty lines will be put there instead sed -E '/start/,/end/ s/#.*//' file.txt Delete comments starting with # (no empty lines left behind) ...
echo "This, is, a, test, to, remove, commas. " | sed -n '{ > :start > s/,//1p > t start > }' 实例 5. 模式替代 在使用通配符时,很难知道到底哪些文本会匹配模式。 举个例子,假如你想在行中匹配的单词两边上放上引号。如果你只是要匹配模式中的一个单词,那就非常简单。