/etc/security/privfiles文件是一个 ASCII 节文件,其中包含特权文件及其安全属性。/etc/security/privfiles文件中的每个节都由文件的完整路径名标识,后跟冒号 (:)。 每个节都包含Attribute = Value格式的属性。 路径名必须是文件的绝对路径,并且不能包含符号链接目录,也不能是文件的符号链接。 每个属性 = 值对都以...
Adds or changes a file entry in the /etc/security/privfiles file. lssecattr Display the attributes and their values. rmsecattr Remove a file from the privfiles file. To write programs that affect entries in the /etc/security/privfiles file, use one or more of the following subroutines:...
/etc/security/privdevs 파일의 항목에 영향을 주는 프로그램을 작성하려면 다음 서브루틴 중 하나 이상을 사용하십시오. getdevattr getdevattrs putdevattr (putdevattr) putdevattrs 속성 이 파일의 스탠자...
/etc/security/privfiles檔案是 ASCII 段落檔案,包含特許檔案及其安全屬性。/etc/security/privfiles檔案中的每一個段落都由檔案的完整路徑名稱識別,後面接著冒號 (:)。 每一個段落都包含Attribute = Value表單中的屬性。 路徑名稱必須是檔案的絕對路徑,且不能包含符號鏈結目錄或檔案的符號鏈結。 每一個屬性 = 值...
Adds or changes a file entry in the /etc/security/privfiles file. lssecattr Display the attributes and their values. rmsecattr Remove a file from the privfiles file. To write programs that affect entries in the /etc/security/privfiles file, use one or more of the following subroutines:...
Adds or changes a file entry in the /etc/security/privfiles file. lssecattr Display the attributes and their values. rmsecattr Remove a file from the privfiles file. To write programs that affect entries in the /etc/security/privfiles file, use one or more of the following subroutines:...
Adds or changes a file entry in the /etc/security/privfiles file. lssecattr Display the attributes and their values. rmsecattr Remove a file from the privfiles file. To write programs that affect entries in the /etc/security/privfiles file, use one or more of the following subroutines:...
Adds or changes a file entry in the /etc/security/privfiles file. lssecattr Display the attributes and their values. rmsecattr Remove a file from the privfiles file. To write programs that affect entries in the /etc/security/privfiles file, use one or more of the following subroutines:...
Adds or changes a file entry in the /etc/security/privfiles file. lssecattr Display the attributes and their values. rmsecattr Remove a file from the privfiles file. To write programs that affect entries in the /etc/security/privfiles file, use one or more of the following subroutines:...
Adds or changes a file entry in the /etc/security/privfiles file. lssecattr Display the attributes and their values. rmsecattr Remove a file from the privfiles file. To write programs that affect entries in the /etc/security/privfiles file, use one or more of the following subroutines:...