KDC可以告诉B,A的权限是有限制的,只可以访问某些资源,通过KRB_AS_REP来指明,里面有加上PAC的说明。 MS14-068这个洞原理比较长,长话短说: 主要是由于第一步的AS-REQ请求并没有对签名做指定要求,客户端用啥我用啥。 KRB_TGS_REQ返回的信息当中又没有PAC,所以客户端当然可以伪造出PAC 然后神奇的KDC竟然允许这...
Gh0st1nTheShell 369512围观 · 4收藏 · 34喜欢 2021-10-15 阿里云安全勒索月度报告(2021年9月) 网络安全 近些年随着勒索即服务(Ransomware-as-a-service)模式的流行,勒索病毒形成了越来越复杂的地下黑色产业链结构。 阿里云安全 169410围观 2021-10-14北京...
doi:10.1007/978-981-15-7530-3_14Kerberos is a third-party network authentication protocol based on symmetric key technology which is widely used in major operating systems and Hadoop ecosystems. However, the original Kerberos's fragility is gradually emerging and no longer suitable for current ...
Example #14Source File: NativeGSSContext.java From dragonwell8_jdk with GNU General Public License v2.0 6 votes private void doDelegPermCheck() throws GSSException { SecurityManager sm = System.getSecurityManager(); if (sm != null) { String targetStr = targetName.getKrbName(); String tgs...
Example #14Source File: Krb5MechFactory.java From openjdk-jdk9 with GNU General Public License v2.0 6 votes public static void checkInitCredPermission(Krb5NameElement name) { SecurityManager sm = System.getSecurityManager(); if (sm != null) { String realm = (name.getKrb5PrincipalName())....
Example 25–14 Modifying a Kerberos Policy (Command Line) In the following example, the modify_policy command of kadmin is used to modify the minimum length of a password to five characters for the build11 policy.$ kadmin kadmin: modify_policy -minlength 5 build11 kadmin: quit ...
Become superuser on the master KDC. Edit the/etc/krb5/kadm5.aclfile. An entry in thekadm5.aclfile must have the following format: principalprivileges[principal-target] Example 25–8 Modifying the Kerberos Administration Privileges The following entry in thekadm5.aclfile gives any principal in ...
CHAPPELL, D. 1999. Exploring Kerberos, the protocol for distributed security in Windows 2000. Microsoft Syst. J. 14, 8 (Aug.).Chappell, D. 1999. Exploring Kerberos, the protocol for distributed security in Windows 2000. Microsoft Systems Journal 14, 8 (Aug.)....
Become superuser on the master KDC. Edit the/etc/krb5/kadm5.aclfile. An entry in thekadm5.aclfile must have the following format: principalprivileges[principal-target] Example—Modifying the Kerberos Administration Privileges The following entry in thekadm5.aclfile gives any principal in theEXAMPL...