their development from vocational practice to a profession is challenging, specifically in social recognition. A practice domain may be defined as an area of activity or field of knowledge, over which a cultural group has occupational influence or control [4]. A cultural domain shares systems of ...
Volume Comparison Please explain (megaliters/year) with previous reporting year Total 2188 withdrawals About the same Total water withdrawals have slightly increased, growing 1.25% from 1,385 ML in FY19 to 1,402 ML in FY20 for the 45 facilities where water withdrawal is tracked. We have ...
An agreement that prohibits me from obtaining knowledge of the engineering of my own systems is unenforceable (as evidenced by the fact that Cisco debugging tools abet such violations), unless Cisco can prove that I intended to violate its intellectual property rights (i.e., imitate or duplicate...
The hallmark of these programs are that they are all derived from the Neo-Liberalism-Libertarian economic systems where poorer people are only of value if they provide wealth to already wealthy people. The old “God blesses the rich and pizzs on the poor who are unworthy” belief systems. I...
Really stupid RLC, causes more problems than they solve, and only elevate corruption and manipulation of systems. The future, everybody is fighting for negotiating power, and everything is for sale and exploitation. Grr, the worst danger to the the USA, is not the terrorists, but corruption ...
Table 4. Comparison in terms of main resources utilization (adders, multipliers, registers) for DCT IV/DST IV algorithms. Due to the fact that, in our solutions, the general multipliers have been replaced with multipliers with a constant, the hardware complexity of the implementation has been ...
Recent advances in machine learning have created an opportunity to embed artificial intelligence in software-intensive systems. These artificial intelligence systems, however, come with a new set of vulnerabilities making them potential targets for cyberattacks. This research examines the landscape of these...
Several IDS and IPS (intrusion detection and prevention systems) were tested in order to identify and drop the spoofed packet from the legitimate one. The process proved to be quite hard to implement, especially when the attacker machine is located inside the access network of the ISP (VMnet-...
Figure 2. The steganalyzer logits layer confidence comparison between different 𝜖ϵ in Fast Gradient Sign Method (FGSM) under two datasets. From the analysis of Table 2 and Figure 2, we find that, when using FGSM, the detection error get higher with the increase of 𝜖ϵ, which ind...
In Proceedings of the 20th IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium, Phoenix, AZ, USA, 1–3 December 1999; pp. 12–21. [Google Scholar] Li, Y.-T.S.; Malik, S.; Wolfe, A. Cache modeling for real-time software: Beyond direct mapped instruction caches. In Proceedings of the 17th IEEE Real-...