We ensure that our guards always have the latest high tech equipment. This allows them to do their jobs more efficiently and allows them to be safer while protecting you and your property. We take pride in the equipment we equip our guards with as it allows them to be the best security ...
And funny part is Apple asking what the glitch was from the FBI Tim Cook must be crazier than Steve Jobs to think after handing over whatever the FBI needed to only reject their request but now they are asking something from the FBI? Yeah right the street g...
Finally, I am calling on Congress to provide Americans with immediatepayroll tax relief. Hopefully they will consider this very strongly. [Payroll tax only helps people who are earning wages, not the people who are laid off or lose their jobs. The amount of money is so miniscule, people don...
Me too Risk Disconnect in the Cloud Supply chain Levels for Software Artifacts https://jobs.cisco.com/We're hiring at Cisco Closing Thoughts Seacrest Says: Dave qualifies for senior AARPdiscounts now Creative Commons license: BY-NC-SA Direct download: LSDPodcast-0x75.mp3 Category:LSD_Podcasts...
On Monday, the FBIaskedthecourtfor a two-week delay in a scheduled hearing on the San Bernardino iPhone case, because some “third party” approached it with a way into the phone. It wanted time to test this access method. Who approached the FBI? We have no idea. ...
Jobs are being lost over surveillance and its revelation. Treatiest that will strip our freedoms and opportunities further in the works or done by now. San Bernardino, what Trump/Hillary is smearing other with, and some recent thug are much more important. I rest my case....
In the past states identified “key players” in the opposition for various “black bag” and “wet work” jobs. Spying on their homes and family, finding out any vices or routes they take to work etc is all part of the Standard Operating Procedures. ...