According to the stats, there are more than 5 billion mobile phone users and 3.7 billion unique mobile internet users in the world. With this growing number of mobile phone users, companies are investing more and more into mobile application development. This investment is causing fierce competitio...
Even though there are a lot of mobile application development platforms, none of them are actually immune to any kind of serious defense concerns. In fact, it took a pretty long time even for iOS platform to address these biggest security issues even though every mobile app on iOS goes throu...
in this process of assessing the security of a mobile application, an attempt is made to recover the application code and its resources to identify vulnerabilities without executing them and to understand their logic as far as possible.
In this paper, Android mobile platform for the mobile application development, layered approach and the details of security information for Android is discussed.Google released Android which is an open-source mobile phone operating system with Linux-based platform. It consists of the operating system,...
The recent release of MIDP (Mobile Information Device Profile) features a major improvement over version 1.0. Version 2.0 includes enhanced mobile code and application security through a well-defined security manager and provisioning process. On the data
Mobile devices are no different. Understanding the data you collect gives you the context to define your app’s trust boundary. Ensure that your application programming interface (API) implements this principle in its workflow. [Trend Micro White Paper: Fake Apps: Feigning Legitimacy] Implement...
Mobile Application security refers to the best practices implemented to avoid mobile app security threats like reverse engineering, code tampering, etc.
And, in doing so, it can make approvals for security reviews like MASA faster and far less costly. Here are some tips on how to get proactive about your mobile app security: Scan your application using free tools aligned with the full OWASP MASVS, such as Guardsquare’s AppSweep. These ...
Mobile Security Framework (MobSF) Let’s learn more about the top Mobile Application Security Testing Tools. #1)Astra Astra pentest is a hacker-style mobile app security testing tool that emulates hacker behavior to find critical vulnerabilities in the mobile app proactively. The platform provides...
Mobile app security is an important aspect of any mobile app development process. In order to keep your mobile safe from potential threats, it’s vital to understand the top mobile app security threats and how they can be avoided. Vigilance can help you identify and mitigate the major mobile...