按Windows+X并选择“命令提示符(管理员)”或“Windows PowerShell(管理员) # 进入相应路径 Set-Location -Path "c:\windows\system32\securityHealth\1.0.2402.27001-0" # 获取文件所有权 takeown /f SecurityHealthSSO.dll /a # 更改文件权限 icacls SecurityHealthSSO.dll /grant administrators:F # 替换DLL文件...
1 以Windows 為基礎的裝置 第一次開啟以 Windows 為基礎的裝置時,會顯示 OOBE) 畫面 (全新體驗。 在安裝期間,裝置可以自動向 Microsoft Entra ID 註冊,並在 MDM 中註冊。具有TPM 的 Windows 裝置可以使用所有支援的 Windows 版本所提供的「健康情況證明服務」,隨時報告健康情況狀態...
Devices for education Microsoft Teams for Education Microsoft 365 Education Office Education Educator training and development Deals for students and parents Azure for students English (United Kingdom) Your Privacy Choices Consumer Health Privacy
Device performance & health -View status info about your device’s performance health, and keep your device clean and up to date with the latest version of Windows. Family options -Keep track of your kids’ online activity and the devices in your household. ...
Windows Release health Windows client Application developers Hardware developers Windows Server Windows for IoT Windows Insider Program Windows 365 Search Windows 11 Security Book 1. Hardware security 2. Operating system security Overview System security Encryption and data protection Network sec...
Wndows安全中心图标在任务栏不显示,任务栏图标设置中找不到Windows安全中心,任务管理器启动项页面找不到Windows安全中心解决方法:第1步. Win+R,输入securityhealthsystray.exe(部分电脑为MSAScuiL.exe),回车,此时图标应该显示在任务栏上。第2步. 在桌面上创建快捷方式,目标路径为C:\Windows\System32\SecurityHealth...
Microsoft Pluton: Built on the principles ofZero Trust, the hardware and silicon-assisted security features in Windows 11—including the TPM 2.0, firmware and identity protection, Direct Memory Access, and Memory Integrity protection—help protect core parts of the OS as well the...
unmanaged Windows device by ensuring the device is protected and healthy before granting protected service access via Entra ID. Windows Security Center threat defense integration with IntuneApplication Protection Policies (APP)allows you to detect local health threats on personal d...
Windows Release health Windows client Application developers Hardware developers Windows Server Windows for IoT Windows Insider Program Windows 365 Search Windows 11 Security Book 1. Hardware security 2. Operating system security 3. Application security 4. Identity protection Overview Passwordles...
SecurityHealthSSO.dll是存放在windows系统下的一个非常重要的dll文件。DLL英文全称Dynamic Link Library,中文意思是:动态链接库。DLL是一个作为共享函数库的可执行文件,它使进程可以调用不属于本身可执行代码中的函数。函数的可执行代码位于一个独立的动态链接库文件中,这样可以节省内存和磁盘的存储空间,同时使程序更易于...