iOS 16adds Lockdown Mode, which has an "extreme" level of security for activists, journalists, and others who are targeted by sophisticated cyberattacks. Lockdown Mode strictly limits or disables the functionality of many of the iPhone's features as well as locking down apps and websit...
activists, and other individuals who may be targeted for hacking by state-sanctioned actors. Entering Lockdown Modedisables many features of iOS, but it also closes off the most common vectors of attack by bad actors.
Toggle the switches below to reflect the security options on your iOS device. Step 2 Check the level of protection in the progress bar below. Learn in-depth information by clicking the "learn more" button. Note If you're having problems looking up certain security features, use search within...
After spending some time examining Swift 5 applications in Hopper and lldb, I wanted to see if I could implement some of the features of the Swift Runtime project using Frida - mainly object type inspection, field name and offset discovery, and instantiation. ...
The Security Research Device (SRD) is a specially fused iPhone that allows you to perform iOS security research without having to bypass its security features. You also benefit from access to software previews, security beta projects, the SRD research community, and special tooling to augment resea...
Among other features, researchers can use a Security Research Device (SRD) to: Install and boot custom kernel caches. Run arbitrary code with any entitlements, including as platform and as root outside the sandbox. Set NVRAM variables. Install and boot custom firmware for Secure Page Table Monit...
iOS, iPadOS, and visionOS App security in macOS Supporting extensions Secure features in the Notes app Secure features in the Shortcuts app 129 129 131 133 137 143 144 146 Services security 147 Services security overview 147 Apple Account and Managed Apple Account 148 iCloud 151 Passcode and ...
Experimental features Runtime hook detector module letamIRuntimeHooked=amIRuntimeHook(dyldWhiteList:dylds,detectionClass:SomeClass.self,selector:#selector(SomeClass.someFunction),isClassMethod:false)? true:false // If we want to deny symbol hook of Swift function, we have to pass mangled name of...
iOS trusted root certificatesProtecting user data Apple platforms provide a variety of features for protecting user data. Purpose strings Purpose strings let you statically declare the sensitive data and resources your app employs. API guidance for using purpose strings Information Property List Key Refer...
iOS, iPadOS, macOS, visionOS Learn how to automatically upgrade existing, password-based accounts to use passkeys. We'll share why and how to improve account security and ease of sign-in, information about new features available for credential manager apps, and how to make your app information...