Agilient, security consultant, specialise in helping you solve business risk and security challenges. Our security consultants have extensive experience.
Ensure data security and compliance with regulatory requirements. Provide...更多…… 查看该雇主的类似职位 COS-Security Investigator Consultant Medtronic 上海市 通常会在 7 天内作出答复 全职 areas of security education, classified document control, security... briefings with senior leaders...更多…… ...
Business Security Consultant - K 安永商务咨询 大数据 不需要融资 更换职位 职位关闭 网络安全工程师 - K· 薪 某大型知名财务上市公司 职位详情 Azure Alicloud 云安全 应用程序安全性 基础架构安全性 身份和访问管理 敏捷 信息安全 Summary The EY Global Information Security team is looking for new members ...
Senior Cybersecurity Consultant - K 泰雷兹 计算机软件 已上市 职位详情 香港 1-3年 本科 IT审计经验 熟悉ISO27001标准 CISM CISSP/CISP CISA PCI DSS Responsibilities: Check compliance with applicable regulations, standards, policies and guidance on cybersecurity and information risk management (PCI DSS, ...
The Security Consultant James F. Broder, Eugene Tucker, in Risk Analysis and the Security Survey (Fourth Edition), 2012 There are four broad areas of competence that a consultant must achieve in order to be considered qualified. The four areas are experience, education, professional credentials, ...
Security Consultant 13.4 LPA (Source) Information Security Manager 19.8 LPA (Source) CISSP The CISSP (Certified Information Systems Security Professional) certification is a globally recognized credential for IT professionals in cybersecurity. It covers a broad range of topics across eight domains, in...
Azure Advisor is a personalized cloud consultant that helps you to optimize your Azure deployments. It analyzes your resource configuration and usage data. It then recommends solutions to help improve the performance, security, and reliability of your resources while looking for opportunities to reduce...
Roger Grimes (CPA, CISSP, MCSE: Security), Senior Security Consultant for the Microsoft ACE team, has authored or contributed to eight books on computer security and authored more than 200 magazine articles. He is a frequent security conference speaker and the InfoWorld security columnist....
毕马威Cyber Security - Senior Consultant怎么样?BOSS直聘「职位对比」页:对比毕马威Cyber Security - Senior Consultant和海通恒信信息技术部-信息安全岗(数据安全方向)薪资、职位详情、职位技能要求、公司等维度,帮助求职者更深入了解毕马威Cyber Security - Senior