Define Securities Act of 1933. Securities Act of 1933 synonyms, Securities Act of 1933 pronunciation, Securities Act of 1933 translation, English dictionary definition of Securities Act of 1933. n. pl. se·cu·ri·ties 1. Freedom from risk or danger; saf
Securities Act of 1933一九三三年美国证券法 美国国会为规范证券市场所制定的法案,在1933年5月26日通过。此法案包含了反诈欺、禁止错误表达、以及必须充分揭露的条款。1934年的证券交易法将执行之责交给证券管理委员会(* Banking Act of 1933(美国)一九三三年银行法案 系一九一三年联邦准备法案(Federal Reserve Act...
The Securities Act of 1933 was the first federal legislation used to regulate the stock market. The act took power away from the states and put it into the hands of the federal government. The act also created a uniform set of rules to protect investors against fraud. It was signed into ...
美国限售股一般带有限售的legend,该legend明确说明如果没有SEC相关规定的豁免,该股票不能在公开市场交易。 而美国1933年证券法(Securities Act of 1933)下的Rule144(以下简称“Rule144”)是最常用的限售股豁免规则。该规则的条款包括在满足六个月或者一年的限售期的情况下,还需要将certificate上的legend去除才能买卖。...
而美国1933年证券法(Securities Act of 1933)下的Rule144(以下简称“Rule144”)是最常用的限售股豁免规则。该规则的条款包括在满足六个月或者一年的限售期的情况下,还需要将certificate上的legend去除才能买卖。而这个legend只有transfer agent有权利去除。transfer agent 需要一个opinion letter才能去除legend。大多数...
Securities Act of 1933’’. DEFINITIONS S EC . 2. ø77b¿ (a) D EFINITIONS .—When used in this title, unless the context otherwise requires— (1) The term ‘‘security’’ means any note, stock, treasury stock, security future, security-based swap, bond, debenture, evidence of ...
而美国1933年证券法(Securities Act of 1933)下的Rule144(以下简称“Rule144”)是最常用的限售股豁免规则。该规则的条款包括在满足六个月或者一年的限售期的情况下,还需要将certificate上的legend去除才能买卖。而这个legend只有transfer agent有权利去除。transfer agent 需要一个opinion letter才能去除legend。
The meaning of SECURITIES ACTS is two laws concerning the issuance and exchange of financial securities. The first act, known simply as the Securities Act, 15 U.S.C. § 77a et seq. (1933), stipulated that a company offering securities must register them
S. Securities Act of 1933. 未經1933年美國證券法登記或豁免登記,領匯房地產投資信託基金不得在美國發售或出售認購或出讓。 [...] registered under the US Securities Act, or an exemption from the registration requirements of the US Securities Act ...
aSection 5 of the Securities Act of 1933 prohibits any sale of a “security” unless it is registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) unless an exemption from registration is available 证券行动的第5部分1933年禁止“安全的”所有销售,除非它向SEC (“SEC”登记),除非豁免从注册...