of cultural property during the process. daccess-ods.un.org daccess-ods.un.org 需克服的主要挑战是各阶段均 缺乏交流,以及在此过程期间对文化财产的保护和管理。 daccess-ods.un.org daccess-ods.un.org Securingequitable, inclusive, and sustainable economic growth and development in least developed cou...
Bringing emerging major oil consumers, such as India and China, into the IEA could assistinsecuringthestability of oil supplies for all major importing countries. crisisgroup.org crisisgroup.org 将新兴起的石油消耗大国,如印度和中国 等纳入国际能源署将有助于确保主要进口国石油 供给的稳定性。
it has only 7 percent of the world’s fresh water resources. Moreover, speedy economic development has put immense pressure on water resources. This may lead to overuse
We argue that the discourse of inclusive multicultural nationalism in Scotland is effective in making some young people ‘feel’ secure in the nation state in spite of its ambitions for discontinuity from the Union. However, the everyday violence of racism in Scotland undermines efforts towards ...
Gounder says it is saddening to see that while they give their best to support the nation come out of this crisis at these extremely challenging times, there are critics who for the sake of criticism are trying...
From the moment I took office, the central challenge we have confronted as a nation has been to recover and rebuild from the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression. We've taken extraordinary steps to repair the immediate damage and lay the foundation for an economy built to last. ...
In the case of veterans, government funded medical care came about haltingly, in response to a crisis situation; the nation, powerful advocates maintained, was failing to meet the most basic needs of those who served and sacrificed. In contrast, Medicare encompassed a more "top-down" approach....
in the labour market and often had difficulties in securing stable jobs with reasonable pay, were often relegated to a lower socio-economic status and subjected [...] daccess-ods.un.org 在劳动市场上被边缘化并时常在保证 有 合理 工 资的稳定工作方面遇到困难的移徙者,时常处于较低的社会经济...
Since securingamicrofinance loan from the development organization BRAC, however, her life has changed decidedly for the better. unicef.org unicef.org 然而,自从获得了孟加拉乡村进步委员会发展组织提供的小额贷款以来,她的生活得到了翻天覆地的改善。
the latest measure implemented to counter the risks of an insider enemy. Carl Schmitt’s concept of the friend-enemy relation that constitutes the political allows us to understand how the discursive construction of the Other helps secure and reaffirm the nation-state. In the GWoT, the friend-en...