这是由于 SecureCRT 无法找到 Host key database location。因此在复制粘贴后,需要编辑一下 ./Data/Settings/Config/SSH2.ini 文件中的 Host Key Database Location。 S:"Host Key Database Location"=应用根目录/Data/Settings/Config/KnownHosts 注意等号右边不需要引号。你甚至可以将 KnownHosts 目录下的 *.pu...
---SecureCRT---Failedtoopenthe host key database file 文件名或扩展名太长。 处理方法: 删除Data\Settings\Config\SSH2.ini文件即可 ©著作权归作者所有,转载或内容合作请联系作者 0人点赞 工具 更多精彩内容,就在简书APP "对你有帮助的话,可以打赏一下哦...
删除 Data\Settings\Config\SSH2.ini 文件即可
解决告警:failed to open the host key database file 第一步:找到文件SSH2.ini 文件:D:\SecureCRSecureFXPortable64\Data\Settings\Config\SSH2.ini 第二步:清空文件内容 分析: 由于下载绿色版,多次复制软件导致发布于 2018-12-20 09:30 终端 SecureCrt...
打开密钥数据库文件失败。C;\用户\ w \平台\ securecrt_fx6.5.3 \\ \\ \\ hostsmap.txt knowhosts配置 2.然后将它 Failed to open the key database file. c;\\User\\w\\Destop\\SecureCRT_FX6.5.3\\Config\\KnowHosts\\Hostsmap.txt 这段报错在百度上面查询,解决方法,根据百度提供的方法对应自己...
[LOCAL]:GSS:Requesting full delegation[LOCAL]:GSS:[ Exchange)]SPN:host@[LOCAL]:GSS:[ Exchange)]InitializeSecurityContext()failed.[LOCAL]:GSS:[ Exchange)]The gssapi provider indicated a failure. Unspecified GSS failure. ...
ssh: connect to host localhost port 22: Connection refused 1. 2. 如上所示,表示还没有安装,可以通过apt安装,命令如下: sudo apt-get install openssh-server 1. 安装完成以后,需要先启动服务: sudo /etc/init.d/ssh start 1. 启动后,可以通过如下命令查看服务是否正确启动 ...
- On iOS 17, if the backspace key was held down while focus was in the terminal, the key did not repeat. - On iOS 16, when scrolling into the scrollback buffer in a session configured with a large font size, scrolling back down to the prompt may have failed. ...
部署ThinkPhp项目出现file_put_contents () failed to open stream: Permission denied 的解决办法 zblog显示 Table‘zbp_post’is marked as crashed and should be repaired 错误的3种解决方法 ThinkPHP报错“未定义数组索引”的原因与解决方法 asp站点报错An error occurred on the server when processing the ...
- On iOS 16, when scrolling into the scrollback buffer in a session configured with a large font size, scrolling back down to the prompt may have failed. - If the public key specified for a session contained a "." in the filename, an error that the private-key file could not be fou...