SecureCRT 配置ssh key登录时报“could not load the private key file 未知文件格式”这个错 是因为生成的id_rsa文件是新格式不兼容导致的,可以用puttygen转回旧格式 运行puttygen.exe-点击Conversions菜单项中的Import key,选择在linux下生成的id_rsa文件 菜单conversions--export openssh key 保存就好了...
- On iOS 16, when scrolling into the scrollback buffer in a session configured with a large font size, scrolling back down to the prompt may have failed. - If the public key specified for a session contained a "." in the filename, an error that the private-key file could not be fou...
. Added a checkbox in the "Choose private key file", "Choose screenshot file" and "Autosave session log" dialogs, in order to allow "Show hidden files" . Added an option to change the "combo box" for a "list of buttons" (ala SecureCRT) for remote commands (macros) under "Preferenc...
对信息的加密和解密采用不同的key,这对key分别称作private key和public key,其中,public key存放在欲登录的服务器上,而private key为特定的客户机所持有。 当客户机向服务器发出建立安全连接的请求时,首先发送自己的public key,如果这个public key是被服务器所允许的,服务器就发送一个经过public key加密的随机数据给...
12月0510:45:01localhost.localdomain sshd[11508]: key_load_private: bad permissions 12月0510:45:01localhost.localdomain sshd[11508]: Couldnotload host key:/etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key 12月0510:45:01localhost.localdomain sshd[11508]: @@@ 12月0510:45:01localhost.localdomain sshd[11508]: @ WARNI...
I'm glad you use this theme, the development is no so easy, I hope you can keep the copyright, I will thank you so much. If you still want to delete the copyrights, could you still retain the first one? Which namely "Theme Material" It will not impact the appearance ...
背景:有的SSH连接提示 host key,很麻烦,如何取消。 The host you specified (47.94.88.*), port 22 matched several entries in the host key database, but the server's host key did not match any of the entries. See the help file for instructions on manually maintaining the host key database...
the trick is to load the hostmap data provided by lab administrator, which defines which terminal server/port number to be used when login the console of a specific router. to differentiate the console session with a mgmt session, a fake hostname:ROUTERNAME-ren-con is defined. The tcl reg...
- On iOS 16, when scrolling into the scrollback buffer in a session configured with a large font size, scrolling back down to the prompt may have failed. - If the public key specified for a session contained a "." in the filename, an error that the private-key file could not be fou...
- On iOS 16, when scrolling into the scrollback buffer in a session configured with a large font size, scrolling back down to the prompt may have failed. - If the public key specified for a session contained a "." in the filename, an error that the private-key file could not be fou...