當ATA 指令下達時,SSD將其所有存儲單元重置清空,恢復到出廠預設參數狀態。 此模式可完全抹除固態儲存硬碟中的資料。 ATA Secure erase可輕易將SSD儲存單元內所有資料完全抹除,包含數據和區塊管理表,達到資料永久被銷毀的目的。而執行此功能所需的時間取決於硬碟磁碟容量的大小,例如,512GB固態硬碟大約需要20秒執行完成。
华硕主板目前大多数的型号都支持BIOS里的ASUS Secure Erase功能,可以利用这个功能来快速擦除SSD,可以解决一些SSD使用异常的问题。 如何使用这个功能?首先我们开机后进入到BIOS---Tool菜单下,找到ASUS Secure Erasea: 进入后所安装的SSD(SATA和NVME的SSD都支持)就显示在了界面里: 光标选择要擦除的固态硬盘,回车后弹出...
我们需要记录需要进行安全擦除的SSD的编号。它显示在每一个磁盘名称的下方。比如这颗需要擦除的SM951的编号是/dev/nvme1n1.我们开始进行SE操作。打开终端,利用刚刚记录的编号输入擦除命令,如"sudo nvme format /dev/nvme1n1"擦除有时候需要一定时间完成,有时候则相当快。完成后会有图中的一行提示。
4、进入系统后,双击Erase Disk图标 5、这里有两个选择,一个是ATA,适用于ACHI协议的SSD,另一个则是支持NVMe协议的SSD。我们测试样例用的是NVMe协议的M8seG,所以选择NVMe栏。 6、勾选对应的盘,点击Continue按钮 7、先勾选“I allow this utility to erase the listed device(s)”,然后后点击Start Erase 8、等...
DC-ed removed the SSD and left it over night without power plugged in. Result was, No ssd shown in the sata settings, yet "frozen" in the secure erase menu. Loaded default BIOS options... At this point I got annoyed, took it out, placed it in my second pc (which runs the same ...
Oracle 6.8 TB NVMe SSD v3s may report uncorrectable errors or assert after not being powered for three or more months. For best practice, secure erase Oracle 6.8 TB NVMe SSD v3s before use (especially if use is reading from the drive as a test) and especially if the drive has been unpo...
DC-ed removed the SSD and left it over night without power plugged in. Result was, No ssd shown in the sata settings, yet "frozen" in the secure erase menu. Loaded default BIOS options... At this point I got annoyed, took it out, placed it in my second pc (which runs the...
SST in Linux* can secure erase both NVMe* and SATA SSDs. Windows* can only secure erase NVMe* SSDs, unless using Windows* 7 (which can also do SATA). SST GUI Launchthe"Solidigm™ Storage Tool." Select"Secure Erase." Locatethe correct drive ...
I intend to sell my lenovo Legion 5 Pro-16ACH6H Laptop - Type 82JQ. How do I truly secure erase my nvme m.2 ssd card so no one maliously can recover my deleted files? There is no "secure erase" option in the uefi/bios and I have t...