Secure Data Sharing in Cloud Computing: A Comprehensive Survey of Two-Factor Authentication and Cryptographic Solutionsdoi:10.18280/isi.280604CLOUD computingINFORMATION sharingACCESS controlMULTI-factor authenticationCLOUD storageDATA securityCOMMUNICATION infrastructureDATA warehousing...
In addition to having a rich ecosystem of third party service provider products, VIRTUS also offers a number of connectivity solutions directly though our secure data centers cloud and conectivity
Data Replication System in Secure Data Access control in Cloud Environment Replication is a widely used method for achieving high availability in database systems. The data replication approach can be used for solutions such as Sharing data among remote offices, Sharing data among dispersed users, Ma...
Protected Research Information Management Environment (PRIME) provides a secure open source data management option for clinical and scientific research However, we are also aware that many smaller groups are in desperate need of secure yet flexible database solutions; thus there is the need for a ....
Cloud Computing is most trustworthy internet paradigm for small scale business entrepreneurs. The increased use of cloud computing applications has grown the users access to the database. The increase usage of users access has created the privacy problems in cloud computing. The increased usage of da...
We present the ZeroVis framework that provides confidentiality for data stored in a cloud environment without requiring a third party key manager. It combines fine-grained access control with the ability to search over encrypted data to allow existing applications to migrate to cloud environments with...
The prior research lacks comprehensive solutions for balancing security, privacy, and usability in secure data selective sharing schemes inside Cloud-Based decentralized trust management systems. Motivating factors for settling this gap contain growing concerns concerning data privacy, the necessity for ...
Database outsourcing reduces the cost of data management; however, the confidentiality of the outsourced data is a main challenge. Existing solutions [9, 13, 16, 17] either adopt multiple encryption schemes for data confidentiality that only support limi
Government customers can use Azure Stack Hub architecture for edge and disconnected solutions. For example, they can bring the next generation of AI-enabled hybrid applications to the edge where the data lives and integrate it with existing applications for low-latency intelligence. Cloud applications...
In recent years, container-based virtualization technology for edge and cloud computing has advanced dramatically. Virtualization solutions based on Docker Containers provide a more lightweight and efficient virtual environment for Edge and cloud-based applications. Because their use is growing on its own...