CodeSecure offers SAST and binary SCA tools for secure code analysis, protecting businesses from vulnerabilities in DevSecOps environments.
SAST tools work by scanning an application’s source code line by line. They check for known patterns of insecure code, such as SQL injection, cross-site scripting, and buffer overflows. Because they analyze the code without executing it, they can detect potential security issues before the ap...
Use code analysis tools. Visual Studio Premium includes code analysis tools that can greatly increase the possibility of finding security bugs in your code. These tools find bugs more efficiently and with less effort. For more information, see one of the following topics. Analyzing Managed Code Qu...
security right in your product is totally up to you. No one else—and certainly no magic tool or programming language—solves all security ills. Don't get me wrong, I like source code analysis tools, but they will not magically fix all your security vulnerabilities. On...
Symbolic Execution / Formal Verification Tools Static analysis Tools and More! Audit reports and findings Free smart contract security-related resources Miscellaneous security-auditethereumsmart-contractsblockchainsolidityevmsecurity-toolssolidity-contractssolidity-securityevm-blockchain ...
Static code analysis tools may not report such problems. Unhandled, unexpected, mishandled exceptions (Any language) Exceptions is a big part of many programming languages. Unfortunately, many programmers fail to handle them correctly, which may lead to vulnerabilities in code. Let's look at some...
Formstack empowers your organization with the tools to build online forms, collect information, integrate systems, automate work, and transform data into your most strategic asset.
Endpoint forensics: Powerful tools like file trajectory and device trajectory use Secure Endpoint’s continuous analysis capabilities to show you the full scope of a threat. Secure Endpoint identifies all affected applications, processes, and systems to pinpoint patient zero, as well as the method an...
To combat the rise in software supply chain attacks, Veracode has acquired Denver-area startup Phylum and its advanced tools to detect malicious open-source packages. The acquisition strengthens Veracode's software composition analysis offering and enables faster, more reliable threat mitigation. ...
Application Insights has extensive tools for interacting with the data that it collects. Application Insights stores its data in a common repository. It can take advantage of shared functionality such as alerts, dashboards, and deep analysis with the Kusto query language....