Setup:沒有Secure Boot Keys Secure Boot Mode 設置為Standard時,Key Management選項灰選,無法設置 二:系統下查看Secure Boot state 1. 系統下同時按壓鍵盤[WIN]+[R]鍵,輸入msinfo32 2. 找到[安全開機狀態],如關閉,表示Secure Boot disabled. 如開啟,表示Secure Boot Enabled...
cat /boot/config-4.19.167-alpha | grep SECURE CONFIG_CIFS_ALLOW_INSECURE_LEGACY=y 验证安全启动是否启用:mokutil命令用于管理机主密钥(MOK)。这些密钥由shim层用于验证grub2和内核映像,也可用于验证安全启动是否启用。 secureBoot:~$ mokutil --sb-state SecureBoot enabled 内核验签支持保证内核可以被签名,我们...
2. Find [Secure Boot State] option. If it shows asOff, it means Secure Boot is disabled. If it shows asOn, it means Secure Boot is Enabled.
在BIOS界面中点击F9键-回车键-F10键-回车键。具体操作步骤如下:1、开机的时候长按F2键进入BIOS界面,通过方向键进【Secure】菜单,通过方向键选择【Secure BootControl】选项,将其设定为 Disabled”;2、通过方向键进入【Boot】菜单,通过方向键选择【Lunch CSM】选项,将其设定为“Enabled”;3、点击...
可以尝试将Secure BootContro设置为Disabled,再将Lunch CSM设置为Enabled,F10保存重启后进入BIOS尝试。
“仅能通过删除 PK 的方式关闭 Secure Boot”,“仅能通过恢复出厂设置的方式开启 Secure Boot”。就是所选亮条哪个位置,进去,选择clean,点ok,再F10保存后重启就关闭。望你能懂。
在华硕主板BIOS中,Secure Boot的状态只能通过特定方式调整。若要关闭Secure Boot,必须先删除PK(平台键钥)。具体操作步骤为:进入BIOS设置,找到Secure Boot的相关选项,选择“clean”选项,点击“OK”确认,最后通过F10保存设置并重启系统。同样地,若要开启Secure Boot,只能通过恢复出厂设置来实现。具体...
Note: Setting to 「Enabled」 will activate Secure Boot; setting to 「Disable」 will deactivate Secure Boot.Note: The Secure Boot state (Active or Not Active) displayed on the screen cannot be changed manually but will change according to the Secure Boot Control setting you configure. After ...
I was trying to enter a game, but I get an error (VAN9003) and to fix it I have to activate the secure boot state of my PC but I don't know how to do it. Can someone help me, thanks! - post pictures taken with the phone in the BIOS from theSecuritytab with the entire...