1.进入BIOS设置界面后,单击键盘上的[F7]键,或点选画面上的[Advanced Mode]。 2.进入[Security]页面,然后选择[Secure Boot]。 3.进入Secure Boot页面后,选择[Secure Boot Control],然后根据您的需求调整设置。 注:设置为Enabled则启用安全启动。设置为Disabled则关闭安全启动。 注:画面中Secure Boot状态(Active或N...
進入Secure Boot頁面後,選擇[Secure Boot Control]④,然後依照您的需求調整設定⑤。 註:設定為「Enabled」則啟用安全啟動;設定為「Disabled」則停用安全啟動。 註:畫面中Secure Boot狀態(Active或Not Active)無法自行變更,但會隨著您所設定的Secure Boot Control而改變。變更Secure Boot Control設定後,您必須先儲存設定...
How to shut down Secure Boot on ASUS UEFI MB. Credit to romirez for the last clue I needed: set Master password on Main Tab BIOS. So here are the steps to disable Secure boot in ASUS BIOS; first make sure you have a clean formatted USB I just used an old 2gb and formatted to Fa...
Does that imply that disabling Secure boot is impossible with the current bios of Asus Z97? Just trying to understand. Are there any guides on how to dual boot with asus motherboards? I have successfully installed ubuntu and am using it now, but only way to boot to it is ...
Just trying to understand. Are there any guides on how to dual boot with asus motherboards? I have successfully installed ubuntu and am using it now, but only way to boot to it is to insert the Ubuntu bootable USB and select it as boot device in the Bios....
您好 尊敬的华硕用户 建议您bios中确认如下设置:Boot->Launch CSM->Enabled Security->Secure Boot Control->Disabled
如果你要安装win7的话,开启CSM后 安全启动选项选择 other os 保存退出即可。这个选项一般只有两个选择,一个是windows UEFI mode;一个是other os 希望以上信息能够对您有所帮助,谢谢。若以上回复还是没有帮您解决您的问题,欢迎您继续追问,您也可以登录华硕在线即时服务:http://www.asus.com.cn...
第五部分:启动设备设置从上到下依次是(这句话说的我都有些烦了):Boot SettingsConfiguration(启动选项设定)、Boot Device Priority(启动顺序设置)、Hard DiskDrives(硬盘驱动器顺序)、CD/DVD Drives(光盘驱动器顺序)、onboard lan bootrom(板载网络启动选项)。1.Boot Settings Configuration(启动选项设定):点此选项...
ASUS关闭Secure Boot方法 Boot->launch csm->enabled Securily->secure boot control->disabled
Please refer to the following steps based on the BIOS screen of your device: How to Enable or Disable Secure Boot in the UEFI mode In the UEFI interface, you can navigate and confirm using the Arrow Keys and Enter key on the keyboard, Touchpad, or Mouse. Note: The BIOS configuration ...