第八步:重启电脑,在主板固件中启用Secure Boot功能,保存并重启电脑。这时由于shim没有我们之前创建的key,无法验证并启动grubx64.efi,会提示安全策略的错误。不用惊慌,我们可以参考屏幕提示,选择enroll key from disk,找到之前保存在efi system partition中的MOK.cer文件。enroll完成之后,就可以启动Arch Linux了。 之后...
NUC BIOS setup menu does not provide secure boot key enrollment menu. If you want to enroll the custom secure boot key, follow the steps below to change the secure boot mode setting in BIOS setup menu followed by Windows tool for secure boot key enrollment. 1. Secure boot mode = custom ...
使用sbsign工具为UKI linux.efi签名,将签名后的UKI保存至/efi/EFI/shim/grubx64.efi。重启电脑,启用Secure Boot功能,此时shim无法验证并启动grubx64.efi,显示安全策略错误。选择enroll key from disk,找到保存在efi system partition中的MOK.cer文件,完成enroll后即可启动Arch Linux。每次内核、ucode...
# 下面的命令执行前需要在 BIOS 的 UEFI 配置中,设置 Secure Boot 为 Setup 模式,文末有图 # 重启后校验是否进入进入了安装模式 sbctl status # 创建 keys sbctl create-keys # 使用微软的CA证书注册 keys sbctl enroll-keys -m # enroll-keys 会提示一些 efivars 不可写 # 通过 chattr -i 修改后再次...
shim提供了一个由微软支持的第三方签名 efi 启动项(shimx64.efi),和一个 MokManager (mmx64.efi)。MokManager 用于在你启动失败的时候,提供一个 Fallback 界面让你导入你的 key / hash。配置好后,BIOS 设置Secure Boot允许微软颁发的第三方CA证书,应该就可以正常启动了。
I am trying to re-enable Secure Boot Keys. I keep getting the message that I need to enroll Platform Keys. I do not see the option in BIOS to load - 9112310
NVIDIA® Jetson™ Linux provides boot security. Secure Boot prevents execution of unauthorized boot codes through the chain of trust. The root-of-trust is an on-die BootROM code that authenticates boot codes such as BCT, Bootloader, and warm boot vector using Public Key Cryptography (PKC)...
sudo update-secureboot-policy --enroll-key If no MOK exists, the script will exit with a message to that effect. If the key is already enrolled, the script will exit, doing nothing. If the key exists but it not shown to be enrolled, the user will be prompted for a password to use...
If signed kernel modules are supported, the signed kernel will verify them during kernel boot Since the above gives the ability to control boot to the OEM and Microsoft, users may want to: install their own key in PK, KEK and DB, then re-sign grub2 and use it without shim (and option...
Use secure boot to ensure that only trusted kernels and kernel modules are loaded when you start QRadar. The firmware ensures that the kernel and kernel modules are signed and a valid key is stored in the system keyring before passing control to the kern