In contrast, themes of geographical; personal, social and cultural development have changed significantly. To find out the educational implications of the analysis the contents of the Music, Amharic and Social studies used in general education were compared with the analysed songs. The result ...
There exists a wide range of secular Christmas stories, told in popular music, on television, and in the cinema, that are told about the Christian holiday of Christmas, that may be based on or allegorize the biblical Christian mythology of Christmas, as the birth of Jesus, but not ...
At the interactionallevel, Assemblyservicescloselyparallel the basic activities ofreligious congre-gations.AtypicalSundayservice includes intervals of singingand dancing tosecular songs, (in some casesto aliveband),“moments of reflection”and sim-ilar silentobservances,talks on secular themes, testimonials ...
259). In an enchanted frame, the potential for the transcendent to break through into the secular remains a live option, even where explicitly spiritual themes are omitted or intentionally avoided. Some Christian believers may be troubled at the suggestion that the transcendent may be evoked in ...
Rosa underscores how Buber and Gerhardt notably “recognize as the essence of religion the existential need for response along with the promise of this need’s potential fulfillment”; furthermore, he points out that Christian theology “adds to this the idea of God as a kind of being of ...
In these essays Appelfeld (1979) points to three sources that provided him with a solution: the biblical text, the fiction of Franz Kafka and the songs of children who survived the war by living in the forests. 17 For an insightful mapping of scholarship and literary criticism of Appelfeld...